The Thumb
"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate
Can circumvent, or hinder, or control
a The firm resolve of a determined soul.
Gifts count for nothing; will along is great;
All things give way before it soon or late.
What obstacle can stay the mighty force
Of the sea-seeking river in its course,
Or cause the ascending orb of day to wait?
Each well-born soul must win what it deserves.
Let the fool prate of luck. The fortunate
Is he whose earnest purpose never serves,
Whose slightest action or inaction serves
The one great aim.
Why, even Death stand still
And waits an hour sometimes for such a will."
Can circumvent, or hinder, or control
a The firm resolve of a determined soul.
Gifts count for nothing; will along is great;
All things give way before it soon or late.
What obstacle can stay the mighty force
Of the sea-seeking river in its course,
Or cause the ascending orb of day to wait?
Each well-born soul must win what it deserves.
Let the fool prate of luck. The fortunate
Is he whose earnest purpose never serves,
Whose slightest action or inaction serves
The one great aim.
Why, even Death stand still
And waits an hour sometimes for such a will."
all the study of the hand, no portion is of more importance than that devoted
to the thumb. The consideration of this most wonderful member should be undertaken
with a full appreciation of its power, and a realization of how much it can
mean to you if properly understood. So great a revealer of character is the
thumb, that many of the Hindus base their entire work upon it; the Chinese have
a most minute and intricate system based solely on the capillaries of the first
phalanx; and all gypsies use the thumb for a large part of their Chirognomic
work, for they have found that a knowledge of the thumb, added to their Mercurian
shrewdness, gives them enough data for ordinary proposes. With-out consideration
of any other parts of the hand, the thumb would furnish a source from which
could be given a very good reading, and a thorough understanding of it should
be had before going into a discussion of the types with which the qualities
of the thumb play so strong a part.
The thumb cannot be called a finger, because it is infinitely
more; it is really four fingers, as it can oppose itself at will to the four
others (61), thus doing away with the need of four additional single fingers
to perform this necessary function. It is the fulcrum around which all the fingers
must revolve, and in proportion to its strength or weakness will it hold up
or let down the strength of the subject's character.
thumbs (62) denote strength of character, and belong to person who are guided
by the head; small thumbs,
show weak character, or person who are guided by the heart. Large thumbs show
force of character, small thumbs, lack of force. So in taking hold of a hand
and finding a large thumb you will know that strength and head guide the subject,
and that something pronounced may be expected. These are the people who naturally
rule, and this will be more certain if the thumb is at all coarse, in addition
to its size.
If a small thumb is found, the character is weak; the heart and sentiments rule; these are the persons who are certain to be led. Big thumbs show a love of history, small thumbs, or romance. People with big thumbs seek for and enjoy useful, necessary, and practical things in life; those with small thumbs appreciate only the beautiful, poetical, sentimental side, consequently they will not be able to go into the world and hold their own against their big-thumbed companions.
If a small thumb is found, the character is weak; the heart and sentiments rule; these are the persons who are certain to be led. Big thumbs show a love of history, small thumbs, or romance. People with big thumbs seek for and enjoy useful, necessary, and practical things in life; those with small thumbs appreciate only the beautiful, poetical, sentimental side, consequently they will not be able to go into the world and hold their own against their big-thumbed companions.
The thumb as a whole is composed of three phalanges, as are all
the other fingers. It is a mistake to divide it not only two phalanges. The
Three Worlds of Palmistry apply just as much to the thumb as to any of the fingers,
and it is no more complete without three phalanges than would the fingers be
with only two. So in your examination of the thumb, divide it into mental and
abstract worlds, indicated by the first and second phalanges, and add to these
the material solid shown by what we call the Mount of Venus, which is really
the third phalanx of the thumb. These three worlds of the thumb embody three
qualities supremely important to the success of any human being, and they may
justly be classed among the greatest moving forces in the entire category
of human levers. Without them no amount of brilliancy or talent, no amount of
scholarly attainment, will enable a subject to achieve great success. These
three factors so strongly estimated are will power and determination,
indicated by the first phalanx, reason and logic by the second,
love and sympathy by the third, or Mount Venus.
Thus it will be seen that in the thumb we have determination back by reason, and forced on by love, which is a combination so strong that it will overcome any obstacle which may seek to impede its progress, and will often force success when such an outcome seems impossible. Realizing how powerful are the qualities shown by the thumb, you will understand why many palmists are content to center their effort upon it alone. When big thumbs are seen you know that determination, reason, and love in large supply are present, and you know the effort to which these qualities will lead. Small thumbs are found best developed in the third phalanx (Mount of Venus), and deficient in the other two, so here are love and sentiment strongest (Mount of Venus), and deficient in the other two, so here are love and sentiment strongest (Mount of Venus), without the accompaniment of will and reason; making a combination certain to bring only weakness to the subject. The special attributes indicated by the first phalanx are will power, decision, and ability to command others; those of the second phalanx, perception, judgment, and reasoning faculties; of the third phalanx, love, sympathy, and passion; a combination of the three phalanges showing you the amount of moral force of your subject, without which no character is strong, brilliancy is of great value. That the thumb is of supreme importance to the usefulness of the hand is shown by the fact that on the hand of humans only is it found. In descending the scale from humanity into the animal kingdom we find that the thumb at once disappears when the break between man and the monkey has been made. Most animals live together as individuals, not as a community governed by one head. Each animal does what it like, looks out for itself, goes or comes as it pleases, seeks its own food, and protects itself when attacked. One animal has not power to rule or govern another. Even the young remain at the mother's breasts and under the mother's control only long enough to gain sufficient strength to enable them to strike out for themselves. This comparatively early age reach, they become individuals, each looking after its separate interests, and one has not control over any other. Knowing that ability to command others is shown by the thumb, and knowing that the thumb is absent in the animal, we see why it is that they do not gather into communities and are not governed and ruled by some one of their own kind. This will also explain in some degree why humans are so immensely superior to the animal in achievements. Humans unite together and presents a common front to an enemy. When mankind plants a settlement in the wilderness they drive out the native animals because a body of human beings united is stronger than a body of animals, each of which is an individual, to whom the qualities of the thumb are lacking. It is thumb quality opposed to a lack of it it the triumph of the hand and its thumb over the paw which has it not.
Thus it will be seen that in the thumb we have determination back by reason, and forced on by love, which is a combination so strong that it will overcome any obstacle which may seek to impede its progress, and will often force success when such an outcome seems impossible. Realizing how powerful are the qualities shown by the thumb, you will understand why many palmists are content to center their effort upon it alone. When big thumbs are seen you know that determination, reason, and love in large supply are present, and you know the effort to which these qualities will lead. Small thumbs are found best developed in the third phalanx (Mount of Venus), and deficient in the other two, so here are love and sentiment strongest (Mount of Venus), and deficient in the other two, so here are love and sentiment strongest (Mount of Venus), without the accompaniment of will and reason; making a combination certain to bring only weakness to the subject. The special attributes indicated by the first phalanx are will power, decision, and ability to command others; those of the second phalanx, perception, judgment, and reasoning faculties; of the third phalanx, love, sympathy, and passion; a combination of the three phalanges showing you the amount of moral force of your subject, without which no character is strong, brilliancy is of great value. That the thumb is of supreme importance to the usefulness of the hand is shown by the fact that on the hand of humans only is it found. In descending the scale from humanity into the animal kingdom we find that the thumb at once disappears when the break between man and the monkey has been made. Most animals live together as individuals, not as a community governed by one head. Each animal does what it like, looks out for itself, goes or comes as it pleases, seeks its own food, and protects itself when attacked. One animal has not power to rule or govern another. Even the young remain at the mother's breasts and under the mother's control only long enough to gain sufficient strength to enable them to strike out for themselves. This comparatively early age reach, they become individuals, each looking after its separate interests, and one has not control over any other. Knowing that ability to command others is shown by the thumb, and knowing that the thumb is absent in the animal, we see why it is that they do not gather into communities and are not governed and ruled by some one of their own kind. This will also explain in some degree why humans are so immensely superior to the animal in achievements. Humans unite together and presents a common front to an enemy. When mankind plants a settlement in the wilderness they drive out the native animals because a body of human beings united is stronger than a body of animals, each of which is an individual, to whom the qualities of the thumb are lacking. It is thumb quality opposed to a lack of it it the triumph of the hand and its thumb over the paw which has it not.
Physiologically the thumb is more abundantly supplied with muscles
than the fingers, which have only flexor and extensor muscles that give them
the ability to open and close in a vertical way. The strong muscular development
of the thumb is so arranged that is can move in a rotary direction, enabling
it to oppose itself in turn to each of the fingers. It is this opposing
power of the thumb that makes the human hand so skilful in large of small
things, that makes it able to master arts and sciences, hold tools, operate
engines, or grasp pens and pencils; instruments which have made, developed,
and recorded human history. It is the thumb which enables humanity to invent,
manufacture, and use all the device which we have to-day. It is the lack of
the thumb that forces the animal to tear food with its teeth, holding it on
the ground with its paw, in which case the ground performs the duty of the thumb.
We say the thumb shows will power, and it shows as well the exercise
of it. The child when first born has not will; it is entirely under the control
of others. For the first few weeks of life, it healthy, it sleeps about twenty-two
out of twenty-four hours. During this time the thumb is closed in the hand,
the fingers concealing it; in other words the will, represented by the thumb,
is dormant,- it has not begun to assert itself. Soon the child does not sleep
so much; it begins to have some ideas of its own, and often shows that it has
a temper. At once the thumb comes from its hiding-place in the palm, the fingers
no longer close over it, for will is beginning to exert itself, and when it
does the thumb, its indicator, appears.
In examining the hands of idiots- those poor souls whose minds have been destroyed by some shock, or some illness, or who perhaps were born witless,- you will find weak thumbs. These idiots are unable to exert control over themselves or others. If the idiocy is of a congenital nature, the thumb will be very poorly formed, small and weak looking. This formation, which amounts sometimes to a deformity of the hand, will show that the subject was born idiotic, and that the mind and will never existed. If a thumb indicating good strength of will is found on the hand of an idiot, then the thumb is carried in a lifeless, unsteady manner, and when the hands is not in use the thumb is closed into the palm, This shows that the mind and will were once present, but are now weakened or gone. This idiocy is produced by shock or disease, and is not congenital.
In examining the hands of idiots- those poor souls whose minds have been destroyed by some shock, or some illness, or who perhaps were born witless,- you will find weak thumbs. These idiots are unable to exert control over themselves or others. If the idiocy is of a congenital nature, the thumb will be very poorly formed, small and weak looking. This formation, which amounts sometimes to a deformity of the hand, will show that the subject was born idiotic, and that the mind and will never existed. If a thumb indicating good strength of will is found on the hand of an idiot, then the thumb is carried in a lifeless, unsteady manner, and when the hands is not in use the thumb is closed into the palm, This shows that the mind and will were once present, but are now weakened or gone. This idiocy is produced by shock or disease, and is not congenital.
Epileptics also show confirmations of thumb quality. Just before
a seizure, and before any other warning has been given, the thumb closes in
the palm. It is beyond the power of the parent's will to prevent the seizure;
disease temporarily displaces the will, and its indicator, the thumb, gives
way and hides itself. When persons are very ill it is important to note how
their thumbs are held. In battling against disease the will must be strongly
called into play, in order that life may remain. If will is holding its own,
it an indication that disease has not gained the mastery. When, however, the
thumb folds into the palm, the brain is much disturbed, and the will cannot
hold out a great deal longer. This operation of the thumb an be seen even in
those who are unconscious or suffering from high fever. I believe this action
of the thumb which is often seen on dying people comes from the fact that humans
alone have the faculty of reason, mankind by reason of self knowledge of death
opposes ones will to its operation. So long as one does this, the thumb stands.
When the thumb fold into the palm as death approaches both will and reason are
in abeyance, the faculties give way, and the dissolution of reasoning power
and will takes place.
There are two kinds of will power to be borne in mind; instinctive
will, which gives us faculty of being stubborn without any definite purpose,
and the will born of reason. Instinctive will is possessed by animals, and lead
them to fight obstinately against others of their kind, through mere inherent
stubbornness. Animals have also a sort of instinctive logic and instinctive
The kind of will which is represented by the thumb is not this animal instinct, but the will of reason, the logic of reason, the decision of reason. In this case, a human mind is back of the force, giving them direction. In the development of the hand we find its most primitive formation in the Amoeba (Drummond), a small jelly-like water growth which is headless, legless, and armless. Whenever it has use for a hand to grasp its food, it bulges out at some point in its circumference, touches the object it wishes, flows over it and absorbs it. This bulge, or hand, in its side, appears at any point when a need demands it, and disappears whenever the need is satisfied. This the first and lowest form of hand, belonging to a bit of protoplasm which has either form nor shape. From this amoebic hand, as intelligence increases, there is a steady development in paws or hands. First a few tendrils operate as fingers, as in the case of sea anemones, then through the carvivora, where toes and claws appear, until we come to the monkey. Here we find the nearest approach to the human hand, and on the monkey's paw the nearest approach to the thumb. It consists of a bit of cartilage covered with skin and sets very high on the paw, is loose, and is without great stiffness. It is the kind of thumb which cannot oppose itself firmly to the fingers, has little strength, and serves to impress us that man only has a real thumb. Two things to remember concerning the monkey's thumb are the fact that it sets very high on the side of the paw, and that it lacks the ability to oppose the fingers. Also bear in mind that he more intelligent the monkey, the nearly this "finger" approaches to a thumb. Those found in the wild state have little approach to such a member, those bred and reared in zoological gardens are developing better thumbs, and there will be a continued improvement in this regard as the monkey more closely approaches the human species in intelligence.
The kind of will which is represented by the thumb is not this animal instinct, but the will of reason, the logic of reason, the decision of reason. In this case, a human mind is back of the force, giving them direction. In the development of the hand we find its most primitive formation in the Amoeba (Drummond), a small jelly-like water growth which is headless, legless, and armless. Whenever it has use for a hand to grasp its food, it bulges out at some point in its circumference, touches the object it wishes, flows over it and absorbs it. This bulge, or hand, in its side, appears at any point when a need demands it, and disappears whenever the need is satisfied. This the first and lowest form of hand, belonging to a bit of protoplasm which has either form nor shape. From this amoebic hand, as intelligence increases, there is a steady development in paws or hands. First a few tendrils operate as fingers, as in the case of sea anemones, then through the carvivora, where toes and claws appear, until we come to the monkey. Here we find the nearest approach to the human hand, and on the monkey's paw the nearest approach to the thumb. It consists of a bit of cartilage covered with skin and sets very high on the paw, is loose, and is without great stiffness. It is the kind of thumb which cannot oppose itself firmly to the fingers, has little strength, and serves to impress us that man only has a real thumb. Two things to remember concerning the monkey's thumb are the fact that it sets very high on the side of the paw, and that it lacks the ability to oppose the fingers. Also bear in mind that he more intelligent the monkey, the nearly this "finger" approaches to a thumb. Those found in the wild state have little approach to such a member, those bred and reared in zoological gardens are developing better thumbs, and there will be a continued improvement in this regard as the monkey more closely approaches the human species in intelligence.
noting the thumbs on your client's hand, have them hold the hand up in front
of you, palm in your direction, very much as you had them do when examining
the carriage of the fingers. This is in order to find whether the thumb sets
high at the side of the hand, is low, or in the medium position. Remembering
how the monkey's thumb is placed high at the side of its paw, and also that
the idiot's thumb is also high, at once reason that the higher the thumb grows
out from the side of the hand (64), the lower the grade of intelligence, and
the less adaptability has the subject. The smaller the thumb thus highly places,
the near it approaches the monkey thumb, and the nearer the approach of the
subject to the qualities of the monkey. Monkeys may be bright and shrewd, but
in an animal way, lacking entirely the human quality, character.
- It the thumb sets low it generally follows that it will open wide from, and will not lie close along, the side of the hand. This low-set thumb, leaving a large space between itself and the finger of Jupiter (65), will indicate a nature full of the highest human qualities. It speaks of generosity, independence, love of liberty for itself and others, sympathy for all who are in distress, and a readiness to share with less fortunate brethren. While this low-set thumb does not bear all the qualities of the supple thumb, in that the low thumb ,while liberal and generous, does not throw money away as do the supple thumbs, still the low thumb is the intensely human thumb. Its possessor is filled with the greatest strength of Venusian qualities, sympathy and generosity (this thumb forming as it does the lower part of Venus), and they are fired with warmth, which, while it may not mean passion, does bespeak one who is no cold-blooded. If you ask a favor, this individual with the low-set thumb will grant it if possible. You know in asking that he cold, response of a selfish person will not be given you, but that, having feeling of common humanity, they will do for you all they can. This low-set thumb is generally long, and if so it means power and force of character, which, with determination and reason, will intensify generous and sympathetic qualities.
- If the thumb is short, it will take away much of the good of its low setting, for, while the position is good, the thumb itself is nearer the smallness of the monkey formation, which will tend to give it monkey will and selfishness. With a low-set small thumb the good quality it has will be independence, and this comes from selfish motives. The low-set thumb is rare, however, and you will generally find it close to the hand. If such a thumb is found, see which phalanx is deficient, which rules and whether it is close to the hand or falling wide open. After noting all its landmarks, look at the tip, and with this combination of evidence you will be able to judge it aright.
proceeding farther, I must speak of the two phalanges, the first and second.
For brevity I shall call these two, respectively, will and logic. In all thumbs,
long or short, see whether one or the other phalanx is deficient or in excess.
The normal length of the thumb, with medium setting, is when the end of the
first phalanx reaches about to the middle of the third phalanx of the finger
of Jupiter, when the thumb is held against the side of the hand (66). If the
thumb is much shorter than this it is a short thumb, unless it be set so low
that, while the thumb itself is of normal length, the low setting accounts for
its shortness. Again, if set very high it might overreach this measurement and
still be only of normal length. In judging individual phalanges of the thumb
see that the first phalanx is a trifle shorter than the second. This gives normal
If the will phalanx is long than logic (67), will is in excess of reason, and
the person will act first and think afterward. They are set and determined in
their ways, and make mistakes because they have allowed these qualities to rule
reason. They are stubborn, and cannot see that it is better to acknowledge and
correct an error than to suffer the consequences of unreasonable obstinacy.
If the second phalanx is much the long (68), reason in in excess of will, and
this person can reason cleverly, but is not good in carrying the results into
execution. They are the reasoner who does not act. They know how thing should
be done, but does not carry this knowledge into operation. Some time ago, during
one of my lectures, I was asked, "Do you believe that a person naturally
deficient in will power, and knowing their weakness, can school themselves so
that they will develop strong will?" To this question I answered, "No."
Since then I have given this matte most careful observation and study; have
taken subjects whom I knew to be deficient in will, found good situations for
them surrounded them with the best influences, and put before them every incentive
for effort. They developed the most tremendous determination for a while; when
they thought thought they were being watched or put to a test they were as obstinate
and immoveable as a rock, tub taken off their guard, they succumbed to the first
temptation. Deficient will is strong when on guard, stronger than a normal will
under similar circumstances, but it is not the real quality, and subjects with
such as will fall by the way whenever they are not intentionally exerting it.
Whenever drunkards have, by sheer force of will, reformed, it was because they
had the strong will to begin with; they could not otherwise have succeeded.
Many students have come to think that all persons with large will phalanges
will be necessarily successful, as they have so much determination to push them
forward. This will be true if they have anything to push. Determination
is only a force that can push something else; it is not worth
much by itself. It can drive some other power to achievement, but determination
must have something to drive, or it is valueless. If your subject is
literary, musical, artistic, or practical, determination behind these gifts
will undoubtedly bring them to good account, but it would be worth little that
an individual was merely determined, for they must have some ability
before determination can bring them success. Understanding this, do not say,
upon seeing a large thumb "You are bound to have great success, you have
so much determination." The person may be ignorant, heavy, and coarse;
if so the will phalanx would only make them stubborn, and their coarse qualities
would be the coarser.
no go back to the position of the thumb on the hand We have considered the high-set
thumb, which is akin to the monkey's, as well as its opposite, the low-set one;
we will now take up the straight thumb, set close to the hand (69). A thumb
placed wither high, low, or normally, which it lies by the side of the hand,
the straightness of its carriage, and lack of flexibility at the joint, shows
a person the opposite of the one whose thumb is low set and opens wide from
the fingers. This is not called the stiff thumb; for it is not always pronouncedly
stiff, although it has not the flexible or supple joint. The marked peculiarity
in this thumb is its carriage, as a whole, and its disposition to lie close
to the side of the hand. This indicates a cautious person, ne who will be afraid
to say much because they fear you may presume on the acquaintance and ask some
favor. These people are close, lack sympathy, and are hard to approach. They
surround themselves with a wall which is difficult to scale. They hold you at
arm's length, and are entirely lacking in independence, narrow in their views,
bigoted and set in their ways, and do not impress you as being open or frank.
They are secretive, neither giving nor inviting confidences, consequently they
are person who do not make many friends, not do they seek them. If with this
thumb you find the fingers stiff and lacking flexibility, it will accentuate
all of the peculiarities; and if they have short, critical nails, it will, in
addition, make them mean and petty. This thumb shows at a glance the want of
warmth and sympathy, the caution, secretiveness, narrowness, and unresponsiveness
of its owner.
medium setting of the thumb (70), neither too high nor too low, not tied closely
to the hand, and not lying away from it as if trying to break loose, but seeming
to stand upright, bold, fearless, independent, and full of life; shows a person
with well-balanced views, not prodigal, yet not stingy and mean. One who always
listens to a reasonable appeal, and who responds in a sensible way. They are
rules by neither head nor heat, but by a combination of both. They are balanced,
properly cautious, reasonably generous, dignified, and responsive to approaches
coming in sensible and reasonable ways. They do not overflow with sentiment,
nor do they shut themselves off from their fellow acquaintances; but in business,
religion, love, home life, everywhere, they are balanced, sensible person. You
feel, with this thumb, that the owner is not hiding from you either thoughts
or actions, that they are frank in disposition, true to friends, and that their
acquaintance is worth cultivating. It is a thumb that attracts you and give
you confidence, shows neither the domineering will, nor the quibbler, speaks
of no extreme in anything, but of even temper, good thoughts, and a balancing
of qualities.
of thumb- We now come to a consideration of the shape
of the thumb as a whole, and it is very important to understand this thoroughly.
In this consideration we shall begin at the bottom and go upward in the scale,
starting with the heavy, elementary development (71). This thumb is one which
is shaped like a banana, is entirely devoid of symmetry, the two joints do not
show where they separate, but the whole thumb looks like a wad of flesh stuck
on the hand. The illustration shown gives a clear idea of this thumb, and is
the best specimen I have ever seen. Everything about this thumb speaks of heaviness,
coarseness, animalism. It is brute force in will, brute force in reasoning,
and brute passion in love. There is nothing elevating or uplifting about it;
all is heavy, coarse, and common, blunt, tactless, and ignorant. The owner of
this thumb walks over everyone they meet, cares nothing for refinement of manner
or speech, nor for the feelings of others, nor for the feelings of others, and
is boorish and clownish even among those as coarse as themselves. It is the
personification of ignorant obstinacy, operated in an unreasoning way. Any thumb
resembling the heavy formation of this one shows an approach to its common qualities,
and while you will not find many as coarse as the illustration, you will find
some so near, that they tell tales not hard to understand.
will be found which, as you look at them and take hold of them, are seemingly
quite flat, looking as though they have been pressed until the substance is
gone out of them (72). They are found in all textures of skin, all kinds of
hands, and with any tips. These thumbs are soft or flabby, and it is the flatness
that is their distinguishing mark. This is a nervous thumb. and will show you
the nervous force and nervous energy that are proving too strong for the owner.
When this flat thumb is found you often find the fluted nail, many line in the
hand, and a soft or flabby consistency, all of which is an indication of nervous
unbalance. It tells of the nervous excess in the subject, for the flat thumb
is the nervous thumb.
A thumb may be
found which is not round and shapeless, as in the elementary, nor flat like
the nervous thumb, yet, when viewed from the nail side, it has a broad look
(73). It is broad in both phalanges, and has a strong, healthy appearance. This
is formation which will show you a strong determination backed by physical
strength. It is not the brutish obstinacy, the ignorant unreasonableness of
the elementary, but it is a healthy strength, so healthy that it may at times
be too strong. It indicates the determination that accomplishes its object and,
rising over every obstacle, is pushing and aggressive, but may easily be turned
into a violent quality of obstinacy, and often needs guidance and holding down
to keep it within bounds.
is the thumb which appears of one thickness throughout its entire length; it
is delicate and shapely, with square or a conic tip (74). The nail is of smooth
texture and pink color, the skin of fine quality and the entire aspect of the
thumb full of life, grace, and refinement. This thumb shows strong will, for
the first phalanx is good, shows good logical qualities also, for the second
phalanx is strong, yet it shows at the same time refinement, taste, and tact
in the use of these qualities. Its owner will more certainly reach the end they
aim at then will they of the heavy, coarse thumb, but they will not wound feelings,
nor will they walk rough shod over anyone. With diplomatic mind, and firm determination,
instead of knocking people down that they may pass, they will slip by and between
them so easily, that while they "get there" no one wishes to check
them. This beautiful thumb attracts you, tells of the strong character of its
owner, and also of the refined, intelligent, kindly nature, filling the lives
of all around it with beauty, yet having ample firmness of purpose. It shows
the refinement of will, the refinement of intelligent reason, taste, tact, and
The four thumbs just described will enable you to judge upon what
plane the thumb qualities operate.
After treating the thumb as a whole, next consider the phalanges,
and examine them as to length, shape of tips and form. Remembering the rule
that the first phalanx thumb placed normally on the hand the tip should reach
to the middle of the third phalanx of the finger of Jupiter, we will proceed
with our examination as to length of phalanges.
In estimating the strength of any phalanx of the thumb, the length is an important consideration at the outset. A thumb with the first phalanx much longer than the second will tell you that will is much stronger than reason. These subjects are obstinate, tyrannical, despotic, and if crossed in the operation of their plans will, with unreasoning stubbornness, fly into a temper. This is another instance where the excess of a good quality may bring evil results, and when will is stronger than reason it is easy to predict that unreasonable obstinacy will be the result.
In estimating the strength of any phalanx of the thumb, the length is an important consideration at the outset. A thumb with the first phalanx much longer than the second will tell you that will is much stronger than reason. These subjects are obstinate, tyrannical, despotic, and if crossed in the operation of their plans will, with unreasoning stubbornness, fly into a temper. This is another instance where the excess of a good quality may bring evil results, and when will is stronger than reason it is easy to predict that unreasonable obstinacy will be the result.
the first phalanx is the same length as the second, the two qualities are balanced
(75). Will is strong, reason is strong, consequently the determination of this
subject will be the quiet strength that comes from good judgment, and no bullying,
no tyranny, will be shown as in the case of the excessive will phalanx. In the
balanced phalanges there will be as much firmness, as much determination, as
is necessary, but it will be controlled and operated by logic and reason. There
will be no weakness, no fickleness, but intelligent strength that marks the
natural leader.
The thumb with the second phalanx strong and the first phalanx
deficient shows a nature out of balance. In this instance, reason will dominate,
will is secondary. The subject will think but not act; these people lack the
power of carrying out their ideas, the determination to live up to their intentions.
They are the ones who are always telling how the government, business, religion,
and everything ought to be run, but are doing nothing to have their ideas carried
out. They are planners, not operators, reasoners, not doers. Thumb in which
the will phalanx is woefully short, and entirely out of proportion
to logic, will tell of the absolute weakness of the owner. They may be rules
by any person, no matter how ignorant, and goes through life an easy tool for
anyone who chooses to command them. These people are "weaker than water,"
easily discourages, and stand no chance to be anything but servers. These subjects
sometimes show great stubbornness, especially if on their guard, but this display
of will is only spasmodic and puerile, and the inherent weakness of the subject
does not permit it to continue long. So from the excess in length of the will
phalanx to the absolute deficiency above described are found the various degrees
of will power of your subject. Too much is as bad as not enough, and often does
more damage to the subject and to the world. It is an unreasoning force, which
may be more harmful than a passive weakness.
tips of the thumbs must be noted as carefully as those of the fingers, for different
tips will increase or diminish strength. A conic tip to the thumb (76) makes
the subject impressionable and weakens or softens the strength of the will.
The conic qualities of impulse, love of beauty, and idealism take some of its
strength away from even an excessive length of will phalanx. The subject
will be less tyrannical, despotic, and more easily influenced it the tip of
will be conic. All through the scale this conic tip will add its softening and
reducing qualities to the various degrees of will shown by the length of the
will phalanx. The conic tip on deficient will phalanges makes a subject hopelessly
weak, shifting with every change of the wind, and instability becomes the leading
characteristic. The conic- tipped thumb is the impressionable person, with will
power modified and reduced by the qualities of the conic tip. Whatever the length
of the phalanx, when making your estimate take something off for the conic tip.
square tip (77) is the practical, common-sense tip. It is the one which adds
strength, when found on the deficient will phalanges, adds common-sense to the
normal development, and make the excessive length more pronounced in its operation.
In the latter case it is almost as bad as the spatulate tip, for an excessive
length of will phalanx with a square tip make the subject fanatical in their
spatulate tip (78) adds all the spatulate qualities to the thumb. It adds action,
independence, and originality, and its operation will give a commanding turn
to the will. The spatulate tip adds great strength to a deficient will phalanx,
give originality and action to a normal, and fire, action, and ingenuity to
an excessive, length. It is a benefit to the weak, and adds to the excess of
the strong, both in its active operation and the originality which fins new
ways to expend force. With the excess in length of will phalanx, the spatulate
tip is a positive menace, and always endangers the success of the subject. These
three tips all have reference to the shape of the tip, and follow the same formations
as the tips of the fingers. We must consider several other shapes of the will
phalanx which are often seen and yet which cannot be classes as belonging strictly
to any of the above classes.
thumbs will be found with the will phalanx broad as viewed from the nail side,
but not thick through. This is not the flat, nervous phalanx, for it is not
thin enough, yet it is not as thick as is the clubbed thumb. It is the extreme
breadth, often called "paddle shaped," that is its distinctive feature
(79), and this breadth belongs to a long phalanx, giving both length and breadth
but not thickness. This shows an exceedingly firm determination, which in excessive
developments, degenerates into absolute tyranny and obstinacy. It is always
a strong phalanx and must be read so. Even if the length should be somewhat
deficient, this "paddle-shaped" phalanx will make it strong. this
strength of will is not usually back by robust health, but is much oftener found
with weak physical constitutions. It is an indication of strong mental will,
which goes boldly through a trying emergency and then collapses after the strain
is over.
a thumb is found with the will phalanx thick and rounded, or broad and thick,
with a nail short and very coarse in texture. This is not the consumptive formation
of nail and tip, but is found on the hands of healthy persons. Owing to its
peculiar club-like formation, it has been called the Clubbed thumb
(80), and owing to the thickness, coarseness, and brutal obstinacy shown, has
been designated the "murderer's thumb". This clubbed thumb shows
terrific obstinacy, and on a bad hand, a common grade of it: which produces
a coarse degree of a good quality and is coupled with a violent temper. Whether
these coarse and disagreeable qualities have been, or ever will be, brought
out is another question. If they have not, if the environments are good, a clubbed
thumb will never display its rough and brutal side. We may not, however, ignore
the fact that a mine lines underneath, and it will only take a match properly
applied to explode it. These clubbed hands are largely hereditary, and their
presence, on any hand, can be traced back to some parental influence. I have
seen cases where they have gone from generation to generation, and yet have
never produced harmful results. They are dangerous companions, however, and
not to be trifled with at any time. The fact that they are called "murderer's
thumbs," should, by no means, lead you to conclude that the owner either
has or necessarily will commit murder. They are, as a matter of act, found on
very mild-mannered people, in which case their presence is due to something
occurring at conception, or during the gestation of the subject. But put one
of these clubbed thumbs on a hand developed all at the base, with a big Mount
of Venus, hard consistency, no flexibility, short fingers very thick in third
phalanges, and very short in first phalanges, with short nails, and the lines
in the hand deep-cut and red, and the first impulse of the subject, on being
crossed is to beat your brains out. Many murderers have had clubbed thumbs;
they have also had bestial hands like the one just described. Their brutal instinct
being strong, jealousy most often has led them to fits of violent rage, and
the terrible qualities of the clubbed thumb have given them passion and determination
strong enough to take human life. In this case the clubbed thumb becomes
the murderer's thumb. This thumb undoubtedly possesses the brutal obstinacy,
the violent temper, the low qualities characteristic of a murderer; but it is
the balance of the hand that must tell you whether there are not refinements
and good traits that will keep the clubbed thumb from doing harm. Always a danger,
always showing terrific obstinacy if roused, a brutal temper and furious rage
if kindled, the clubbed thumb requires careful study whenever seen; no hasty
judgment should be passed on it, but every part of the hand estimated and cast
in the scales before the balance is struck; and, above all, it should not be
confounded with a spatulate thumb. Texture (for refinement), consistency (for
energy), color, especially red, giving the intensity and ardor, as well as everything
that brutalized or coarsens the nature, must be taken into account. Flexibility,
to see if the elastic mine or the one-idea brain is present, the Mount of venus
to tell of love or sympathy which softens the nature, or of animal passion which
may make it unmanageable,- all such things, and everything bearing on them,
must be carefully looked at before you are in any position to say what a clubbed
thumb means for your cline. With all these matters considered and understood,
you can properly estimate this most difficult and dangerous indication.
knot separating the phalanges of will and logic (81) is sometimes present, sometimes
absent. It operates exactly as does a knot found anywhere else,- it creates
an obstruction to the passage of the vital current, and consequently means deliberation
of thought. It adds to the strength of the first phalanx, by making it more
analytical and less guided by impulse. Thus it will greatly strengthen a conic
tip and will add force to all the other tips. It increases the reasoning of
the second phalanx, by reducing the intuition of the first, making a hasty operation
of the will unlikely until thought and consideration have had a chance.
passed the knot, we reach the second phalanx, indicator of logic and reasoning
qualities, perception, judgment, and prudence. In this list of qualities you
will notice prudence, which is not generally ascribed to the second phalanx,
but as prudent people are those who reason, rather than act by impulse, it is
evident that caution, or prudence must belong to this phalanx. I have noted
in my study of the second phalanx that this quality applies to it, and is strong
in operation, especially if the thumb be carried close to the hand or is stiff.
In the latter case the prudence comes from a stringy tendency. In examining
the second phalanx, first consider its length. The second phalanx should be
estimate as beginning with the joint which connects it to the palm, and as extending
to the joint between the first and second phalanges. First look at the thumb
held up naturally, and next bend the first phalanx toward the palm, to show
the joints plainly and thus give you the exact length of this phalanx (82).
This length, to be normal, depends on the length of the hand; a very long hand
will have a long phalanx and vice versa, so accustom yourself to noting
whether this phalanx is in proportion to the hand, and whether it is longer
or shorter than the will phalanx. Normally it should be a little longer,
but it is still a good development when you find the first and second phalanges
of the same length. The second phalanx shows the reasoning faculties, as well
as logic, the science of reasoning. Being the seat of this most important function,
it shows by its length and formation how much and what kind of reasoning
are behind the will, so the second phalanx really occupies a position as director
of the will. When the phalanx is found long and in good proportion as regards
the will phalanx, it shows strong powers of logic, quick perception, and prudence.
With these qualities its possessor will act from will defined motives, will
know what they are doing, be sure of their opinion, and will guide the force
of the first phalanx to expend themselves in beneficial ways. With this long
second phalanx you will never find unreasoning obstinacy, but a will power guided
by a reasoning brain. The direction, definiteness, and firmness of the will
are largely augmented by this long second phalanx, but it is reasonable strength
that is added, so even with an excessive first phalanx, and the second long
also, you may be sure that, however obstinate your subject may be, they will
still be amenable to reason.
In noting the tips of the thumbs, the long second phalanx will
tell you that strong judgment is behind all of their separate qualities. Reasoning
faculties added to conic tips will strengthen their impulsive way and make them
less impressionable; to square tip they will add sound practical judgment; with
spatulate tips they will direct the spatulate energy into well-thought-out channels.
From every point of view the second phalanx is the balance-wheel. Occupying
the position it does between the first and third phalanges (determination and
love), it will, if long, be the factor that will hold these strong forces in
check, or, if short and deficient, will allow them to run riot. Reason, between
will and love, must be the agent to guide them well or ill.
- If the second phalanx is found shorter than reason. In this
case the subject will have excess of ill-directed will, modified in cases where
the second phalanx is exceedingly waist-like.
- If the second phalanx is short and thick the subject will be stubborn, headstrong, acting without careful thought, and making many mistakes which they are too stubborn to correct even though it be to their advantage to do so. the short second phalanx is a sign of weakness that must not be overlooked. If this it the first phalanx be very strong, bad results are bound to follow, as obstinate will must have logic to direct it properly.
- If the tip of this thumb be conic, the short second phalanx will add to the weakness of the indication for an impressionable will with lack of logic behind it produces deficiency of all good thumb qualities. With a square tip it makes the subject a martinet who makes a poor attempt to show strength when there is only weakness. I makes the spatulate qualities fussy without producing any tangible results.
- If the second phalanx be exceedingly deficient it pulls down the entire structure, and weakens it in every place. Will, if strong, rungs riot for want of direction and with conic tips the subject becomes the plaything of anyone who chooses to lead them. Square tipped people spend all their force in brushing clothing, dusting the room, or cleaning up the desk. They would rather see things in order than to see much accomplished. All the good qualities of square tips are narrowed and dwarfed by the short second phalanx. Spatulate tips are only sputterers, and worry as well as aggravate by their foolish restlessness, for deficient logic has ruined all.
The length of the second phalanx has shown what amount of logic our subject has; we must now examine the shape of the phalanx to discover what kind it is.
- If the second phalanx is short and thick the subject will be stubborn, headstrong, acting without careful thought, and making many mistakes which they are too stubborn to correct even though it be to their advantage to do so. the short second phalanx is a sign of weakness that must not be overlooked. If this it the first phalanx be very strong, bad results are bound to follow, as obstinate will must have logic to direct it properly.
- If the tip of this thumb be conic, the short second phalanx will add to the weakness of the indication for an impressionable will with lack of logic behind it produces deficiency of all good thumb qualities. With a square tip it makes the subject a martinet who makes a poor attempt to show strength when there is only weakness. I makes the spatulate qualities fussy without producing any tangible results.
- If the second phalanx be exceedingly deficient it pulls down the entire structure, and weakens it in every place. Will, if strong, rungs riot for want of direction and with conic tips the subject becomes the plaything of anyone who chooses to lead them. Square tipped people spend all their force in brushing clothing, dusting the room, or cleaning up the desk. They would rather see things in order than to see much accomplished. All the good qualities of square tips are narrowed and dwarfed by the short second phalanx. Spatulate tips are only sputterers, and worry as well as aggravate by their foolish restlessness, for deficient logic has ruined all.
The length of the second phalanx has shown what amount of logic our subject has; we must now examine the shape of the phalanx to discover what kind it is.
A phalanx which is not thick and coarse but merely broad shows
good muscular strength and robustness in the reasoning faculties. The subject
will have healthful views, and, while vigorous and strong, will not be coarse.
- If the tips be square, they will be practical, and, with a good first phalanx, determined. This development of second phalanx is rarely found on thumbs otherwise weak. If it is, you may b sure that great strength has been added to the deficient thumb.
- A conic tip with this shaped phalanx is an extreme rarity, but when found the subject is much more healthful in their view with this broad second phalanx.
- If the tips be square, they will be practical, and, with a good first phalanx, determined. This development of second phalanx is rarely found on thumbs otherwise weak. If it is, you may b sure that great strength has been added to the deficient thumb.
- A conic tip with this shaped phalanx is an extreme rarity, but when found the subject is much more healthful in their view with this broad second phalanx.
A flat and flabby second phalanx is the nervous development (see
72). It indicates weakness of constitution and vitality. Thee may be knowledge,
but not physical strength to make logic operative. With this formation, there
will be a poor and weakened exhibition of all the tip qualities. Physical strength
is needed here. If the second phalanx be coarse, heavy and thick (see71) it
shows elementary reasoning, the brutal, common point of view, and this will
operate on the phalanx and the tips. It is part of the elementary thumb shown
elsewhere, and partakes of its coarse qualities.
If the second phalanx be slender, round, and the skin of fine
texture (see 74), refined logic is possessed by the subject. They think in a
fine, delicate way, but loses no element of strength by the fineness. They reason
and plan how to gain their ends tactfully, and give the will phalanx and tips
refined direction. If the thoughts are evil, this type is much ore to be feared
than the elementary phalanx, not from a point of physical danger, but from the
clever and adroit direction it can give to the will. In this case it shows the
crafty, fox-like designing villain. If the thoughts are good it is one of the
best shapes to be found.
the second phalanx is very narrow in the middle, or waist- shapes (83), it is
the sign of a brilliant, tactful nature. This subject does everything in an
adroit and diplomatic way, and has he faculty of approaching persons in the
right manner. They never "rub you the wong way," but seem to know
how to gain their end by pleasant means. These people are pleasant to meet because
they do not always step on your toes. when every you see this waist-like second
phalanx, it should at once speak of tact, taste, brilliancy diplomacy, and,
if long, great mental strength. All these qualities, beyond a good will, make
a combination from which future success may be expected.
are two formations of thumb often met in various degrees of development, each
of which possesses strong and opposite qualities; these are what are known as
the supple and the stiff thumb. The first, or supple thumb,
must be distinguished by the fact that is bends back at the joint as does the
flexible hand, not merely that it opens wide as the low-set thumb, and for this
reason I believe it better to call it the supple and flexible thumb (84), inasmuch
as it possesses flexibility in the highest degree. This supple and flexible
thumb personifies extravagance, and those who possess this type are spendthrifts,-
brilliant, versatile, easily adapting themselves to changing circumstances.
They are at home anywhere, are sentimental, generous, and sympathetic, will
give their last cent to a beggar, are improvident, and do not lay up for a "rainy
day." They are emotional, and consequently extremists, up one day, in the
depths the next. This arises from great versatility and from the fact that their
brilliant qualities enable them to do so many things. They are never plodders,
but by brilliant dashes achieve their successes. Never satisfied to be led,
they aspire to surpass their brethren, and as a rule they find no trouble in
so doing, as they are both talented and versatile. Theirs is a mot brilliant
and happy nature, but often ruined by its very brilliancy. When you see these
thumb, look at once for indications that may hold in check the supply thumb
qualities. Square tips, a good Head-line, and good Mount of Saturn will do more
than any other combination to hold them in balance. Spatulate originality will
not help them, neither will conic impulse; it must be sobering qualities.
stiff thumb is one which is stiff in the joint, and does not bend back as does
the supple (85). This thumb inclines to carry itself erect and close to the
hand, as well as to be stiff in the joint. You must use the joint as your guide,
in determining the stiff thumb and its degree of development. The stiff- thumb
subject is practical, common-sense, economical, stingy, and weighs everything
carefully. Those who have it possess a strong will, stubborn determination,
and are cautious, reserved, and do not give or invite confidence. They save
their money, plod along, and wonder how their supply-thumbs brethren can throw
their money away. They cannot make one fourth as much as supple thumbs, but
they save what they do make. They are steady, not extremists, do no expect a
great deal, and are consequently not disappointed when they do not receive much.
They enjoy life in their way, but it is in a quiet fashion. They cannot do many
things, but what they do attempt is done well. They are not erratic, but stick
to one thing, commanding respect by their strength of purpose. They have a sense
of justice and great self-control. Stiff thumbs people are a quiet, cautious,
economical, practical, reliable set, who do not attract as do more brilliant
and versatile natures, yet who possess many qualities which command respect.
If the stiff thumb is coarse and common it will lower the qualities of all its
attributes, and make a mean, stingy, hear-hearted subject. In estimating all
stiff thumb, not most carefully the quality of the subject, so my may not err
by placing the stiff-thumb qualities in the wrong class. A fine grade of stiff
thumb should be given a fine grade of stiff-thumb qualities; a coarse stiff
thumb must be given a coarse grade of stiff-thumb qualities.
In noting all thumbs take full account of consistency. See if
energy or laziness is directing will and reason. A weak thumb with energy behind
it is better than a strong thumb on a flabby hand. Consistency will make or
mar the operation of all thumb, so always see whether there is energy or laziness
back of whatever kind you see. Good thumbs on soft hand would like to exert
themselves, but are "too tired"
Examine color with the thumb, see if coldness, ardor, normal health,
or biliousness is to influence the operation of will and the reasoning qualities
of the brain. A healthy subject will do ore with a weak will than one who is
ill or by nature cold. Biliousness clogs the brain, so yellow color will spoil
or impair even a strong second phalanx.
Examine the Mounts with the thumb, see if coldness, ardor, normal
health, or biliousness is to influence the operation of will and the reasoning
qualities of the brain. A healthy subject will do more with a weak will than
one who is ill or by nature cold. Biliousness clogs the brain, so yellow color
will spoil or impair even a strong second phalanx.
Examine the Mounts with the thumb in order to determine what effect
he possession of determination, or lack of it, good reasoning or lack of it,
will have upon the qualities of the Mounts. The ambition, pride, honor, and
religion of a Jupiterian will be much more surely brought to some account by
a good thumb. Ambition is good, but does not produce its full measure of success
unless backed by a reasoning will. The Jupiterian qualities will be correspondingly
weakened by a small or pointed thumb. Always think what they stand for in looking
at good Mounts, what qualities they indicate, and then by the strong or weak
thumb, see whether will and reason in strength or weakness is behind the Mount
qualities. The wisdom of Saturn will be make firm and strong a good thumb, weak
and vacillating by a weak one. The brilliant Apollonian with a strong thumb
will be the business person; with a small, pointed one, they will be possessed
of pure artistic feeling, which will be more practical if the thumb tip be square.
The shrewd and quick Mercurian, if they have a large thumb will be firm and
strong in whichever of their many sides they may have developed, but with a
weak thumb, will be weak in the operation of their qualities, especially if
the tip be conic, more practical if square.
Lower Mars, full of aggression, will be determined also with a strong thumb, especially if Spatulate or square, but will lose much of their force if possessed of a small thumb, particularly so if pointed or conic. Upper Mars, showing resistance, will be cool and undaunted with a large thumb, and more liable to discouragement with a small one.
The Moon will have more practical fancies with a strong thumb, especially if square or spatulate, and will be more imaginative with a small thumb, which qualities will be increased if tips be pointed.
Venus, with a strong thumb, will be firm and practical in love and sympathy, and inconstant with a small one, especially if pointed. Large thumbs will add determination to critical nails and make them more critical. A strong thumb will make stronger every type of nail, a weak thumb will make them weaker. Large thumbs will add persistence to the analytical propensities of knotty fingers, and make them more painstaking in search for truth. Small thumbs will decrease their operation, and allow many things to be taken for granted.
Lower Mars, full of aggression, will be determined also with a strong thumb, especially if Spatulate or square, but will lose much of their force if possessed of a small thumb, particularly so if pointed or conic. Upper Mars, showing resistance, will be cool and undaunted with a large thumb, and more liable to discouragement with a small one.
The Moon will have more practical fancies with a strong thumb, especially if square or spatulate, and will be more imaginative with a small thumb, which qualities will be increased if tips be pointed.
Venus, with a strong thumb, will be firm and practical in love and sympathy, and inconstant with a small one, especially if pointed. Large thumbs will add determination to critical nails and make them more critical. A strong thumb will make stronger every type of nail, a weak thumb will make them weaker. Large thumbs will add persistence to the analytical propensities of knotty fingers, and make them more painstaking in search for truth. Small thumbs will decrease their operation, and allow many things to be taken for granted.
Large thumbs strengthen smooth fingers, small thumbs make them
act more by impulse and lend added artistic conic qualities. Large thumbs push
square and spatulate tips to greater activity, and along practical lines. Small
thumbs make these tips talkers not doers. Large thumbs decrease the artistic
qualities of conic and pointed tips by making them more practical and more likely
to accomplish something and to exert themselves. Small thumbs make the short-fingered
qualities quicker and more determined; short thumbs leave the quickness, the
inspiration, but take away the force and practical application of these qualities.
These subject, always great lovers of detail, will, with large thumbs, carry
out these details. A small thumb with long fingers will still love detail, but
will not trouble to secure it. Hands with smooth fingers, conic or pointed tips,
and a small thumb, indicate artistic and poetic feeling.
Large hands, knotty joints, square or spatulate tips with large
thumbs, are scientific, mechanical, and practical hands. the woman with a small
thumb marries for love, and odes not stop to think whether her lover can support
her or not. she will brave poverty, and will mary a drunkard, thinking she can
reform him. These women are rules by heart and sentiment. The woman with a large
thumb loves as truly as any, but has regard for the bread-and- butter supply
as well. The man she marries must be able to support her; if adversity comes
she makes the best of it, will put on a brave front, and help to overcome the
difficulty. She is rules by head and is strong.
In the beginning of this chapter the statement was make that may
palmists rely on the thumb for their entire work. You can see that a good reading
could be given from the thumb alone, by bringing its qualities to bear on the
various force which make up a human life. I earnestly comment to you a careful
and thorough understanding of this chapter before proceeding farther. All the
various thumb are illustrated, and there should be no difficulty in gaining
a proper understanding of the subject.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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