Mount of Saturn
Balance Wheel
Saturnian is the second type to be considered, and the parts of the hand by
which they are identified are the Mount and finger of Saturn. The higher the
Mount of Saturn is developed, the larger and longer the finger, and the squarer
the tip of this finger, the more pronounced is the type of the subject. A highly
developed Mount of Saturn is a rarity, and in the greatest number of hands there
is instead a depression. A long finger of Saturn is quite common, however, showing
the presence of some Saturnian
qualities, and the Mount, though it may not be prominent, often shows, by the
lines upon it, that is is of more than ordinary development. Great care must
be used with this Mount, as it shows strong characteristics.
As single signs or in combination, the triangle, circle, trident,
single vertical line, or square increase the strength of the Mount of
Saturn. The cross-bar, grille, cross, or island indicate defects of the Mount,
either of health or character; nails, color, etc. will determine which (98).
The largest number of Saturnians will be known from the fact
that the apex of the Mount of Saturn is central, and the apices of the other
Mounts all lean toward it.
more pronounced identification of the type, and also a very common one, is to
find the finger of Saturn standing upright, with the other fingers drawn toward
it (99). I have chosen such an illustration to accompany this chapter because
it is quite typical and much more common than the high Mount.
Illustration No. 39 is also a Saturnian subject, identified by apices leaning toward Saturn, Head line deflected toward Saturn, this finger being also highest set.
The Saturnian is a peculiar person, and, while we need a goodly degree of their sober qualities, it is a blessing that the world is not peopled entirely with this type, or it would be, in reality, "a vale of tears." I consider the finger of Saturn as the balance-wheel to the character, and, as an indicator, of great accuracy concerning the power possessed by the subject to hold undue enthusiasm in check. The Saturnian type keeps the Jupiterian, the Apollonian, the Martian, and the Venusian form going too fast and from being carried away by their excessive spirit. These brighter types, while adding gayety to the world, need the Saturnian to restrain and hold them back. The saturnian is a prudent, wise, sober necessity, greatly needed among the seven types, but not the one to be chosen if in any excessive degree of development. The Saturnian is the repressor, who lays their hand on the shoulder of enthusiasm and bids it take a view of the dark side before leaping. Other types are so endowed with health and ardor that there seems to be no cautious side to their natures, and they become reckless and careless of results and the cost. The Saturnian's point of view is the gloomy one, consequently it is they who bring that forward, and causes the spontaneous types to pause and think. They are individuals who can show you "how the other half livers," and thus makes you appreciate your own blessings. Socially, they lack the ability to enter into the spirit of the occasion, and, therefore, they are often called a "wet blanket." I consider them the balance wheel, a necessary evil, if you choose, but a type the world could not do without. The Saturnian type, to bring out its better side, should be only slightly developed. It is a bad type, as will appear later, if found in excessive degree, and not the happiest type for the possessor, even when present only in normal quantity.
The typical Saturnian is the tallest of the seven types and his finger is he
longest on the hand. They are a gaunt, thin, and pale, their skin is yellow,
rough dry, and wrinkled, handing in flabby folds, or else drawn tightly over
the bones. They are the purely bilious type, and yellow is his distinctive color.
Their hair is thick and dark, often black, straight and harsh. They lose it
when quite young, adding baldness to his otherwise unprepossessing appearance.
Their face is long, commonly called "hatchet shaped" from its thinness,
his cheek bones are high and prominent, with the saffron-hued skin drawn over
them. The cheeks are sunken, with skin flabby and wrinkled. The eyebrows are
thick and stiff, growing together over the nose and turning up at the outer
ends. The eyes are deep set and extremely black, with a sad, subdued expression
which changes only when flashes of anger, suspicion, or eagerness stir in their
mind. Being bilious, the whites of their eyes show yellow color. Their ears
are large, and stand out from his head, often seeming to be actually heavy.
Their nose is long, straight, and thin, coming to a sharp point at the end.
The nostrils do not dilate as they breathe, but are rigid and stiff. Their
mouth is large, the lips thin and pale, the lower jaw and lower lip large, lips
thin and pale, the lower jaw and lower lip quite prominent and firm. They have
good teeth in their youth, but they are soft in texture and decay early. Neither
are the gums healthy, having a pale, sickly, bloodless look. If the Saturnian
has a beard it is dark, stiff, and straight, growing thickly on the chin and
lip, but very sparse on the cheeks. The chin is prominent and large, the neck
lean and long, with muscles showing prominently like chords, and the blue veins
standing out under the shrunken and flabby skin.
Their Adam's apple is plainly in evidence. Their chest is thin, the lungs seem
cramped, as if operating in narrow, contracted quarters, and his voice as it
comes through the thin lips is harsh and unpleasant. The shoulders are high
and have a manner at their sides. Their step has no spring, and their gait is
a shambling one, seeming to proclaim a person who is miserable, bilious, and
gloomy. The whole appearance of lack of healthy blood supply, and its lean gawkiness;
the hark, sad eyes, stiff, black hair, narrow chest, stooping, shoulders, and
shuffling gait all combine to bear this out. They are an individual to whom
a bright side in life does not often appear, one whose life is lightened by
no joy of exuberant magnetism, but rather with yellow biliousness, mingled with
white coldness. The insufficient blood current, poisoned with bile, is weakly
flowing though his body, pumped by a flabby heart, and reaches the outer skin
with a diminished force, casting over his spirits the depressing effect of a
bilious influence.
This is the typical Saturnian. It is small wonder that, when the dashing Apollonians
or Venusians, handsome, attractive, and magnetic, filled with the joy of living,
meet him and try to fill him with their enthusiasm, the Saturnian cannot feel
their joy, or share their enthusiasm, but shakes his head mournfully, and thinks
of how much sorrow there is in this world.
As the Saturnian is the repressor, you will appreciate the wisdom of constructing
them ugly, gloom, and sad, in order that they might accomplish the purpose of
this creation. If they were only wise and formed in the Apollonian mould of
physical beauty, the love of gayety would run away with his wisdom. Mere wisdom,
if they were beautiful, bright, strong, and healthy, could not hold in check
the Apollonian enthusiasm. But the Saturnian is physically built so
that he cannot be carried away with enthusiastic, joyous, or frivolous amusements.
No matter how much he may want to be, they cannot, with their
ugliness, have Venusian power of attraction; they cannot be other than the Saturnian
that they are.
In addition to all this, they are cynical, lack veneration, and is a born doubter.
Instead of seeking the society of others they avoid it, and the subjects tendency
is to withdraw themselves from the social world. They prefer the country to
the city, is often a student, and chooses agricultural pursuits, chemistry,
and other laboratory occupations, which do not require them to come in contact
with people. They are not a "mixer", and have not the faculty of attracting
and holding friends, so does not succeed well in business where they have to
depend upon genial ways or attractive manners. Their love of solitude makes
farm life peculiarly attractive to them, and their penchant for earthly things
makes them by nature a horticulturist, market gardener, florist, or a botanist.
By reason of his love for digging and exploring in the earth, they have often
found wells of oil, or mines of coal and minerals. This has led people to consider
them lucky, and for this reason Saturn has a love for all occult studies, and
is proficient in them. They have a mystical streak that makes them extremely
superstitious. They love chemistry, for the compounding of drugs and elements
has an air of mystery about it, and physics is also a congenial study. Higher
mathematic and medicine are strong favorites, and in both these fields they
are very successful. The Saturnian is no shallow fellow, but is deep and a true
scientist. While others are spending their time in gayety they are engrossed
in study, has secluded themselves from society, and, surrounded by their books,
retorts, and figures, is working out difficult problems.
The Saturnian is eminently cautious and prudent. They are suspicious of both
the fidelity and honesty of his fellows, and does not readily go into business
enterprises with them. Real estate, farms, and buildings seem to him less risky
than stocks, bonds, or mercantile enterprises, consequently these are the investments
they choose. They are, of course, a conservative person, and do not do anything
hastily, for prudence and caution are their watchwords.
The Saturnian can be led, not driven. They instinctively dislike to obey, but
feel flattered at an attempt to induce them to do anything. They rebel
if rubbed the wrong way, talk a great deal, what they say has weight because
they have the reputation of being profound, so they often make all kinds of
trouble. Their caution, however, enables them to get away and not get hurt in
the upheavals they cause. In all their surroundings they like soberness, and
gray, black or brown will be apt to predominate in their apparel, nor will their
home have any starling colors in it. Their physical heat being under normal,
they are not amorous. They shun society rather than courting it, they repel
the opposite sex rather than attract. Thus the fervor of warm passions does
not glow within them, and they do not care to marry. In fact, a pure Saturnian
would not marry; the idea would be absolutely repugnant to him. In handling
the marriage question, for a subject strongly Saturnian, you will know that
marriage is not likely, so absolutely plain indications must be found
before you commit yourself on the subject. Their prudence gives them another
quality, - they are saving and even stingy and miserly. The stronger the Saturnian
indications, the stronger these avaricious tendencies. They are slow,- one so
cautious could not be otherwise, - but is a patient, indefatigable worker. The
Saturnian loves music and is often a fine performer and a Composer, but his
music has a tinge of sadness and melancholy and is severely classical.
They are not a great lover of art, though they admire beauty. Their favorite
pictures will be landscapes and natural scenery, flowers, and the product of
field and forest. They write well, produce histories, fine treatises on scientific
and occult subjects, books on chemistry, or short articles on agriculture. They
sometimes writes excellent ghost stories or tales, in which morose heroes go
into monasteries. For amusement the Saturnian seeks their books and and studies
which takes them away from the haunts of others. They are opinionated, does
not like to be contradicted, is independent, and dislikes restraint. Under the
surface the Saturnian dislikes mankind. They are not beautiful or attractive,
is less loved than others, and feels their ugliness, knows their ungainliness,
and withdraws themselves from their fellows, having in their heart jealousy
and hatred of them. This feeling is present even with a Saturnian who cannot
be classed as belonging to the bad type. Dislike of mankind is a Saturnian quality
developed in some degree even when the type is not pronounced. We may say truly
this is a dangerous type at its best, and at its worst produces a poisoner and
a malevolent wretch. When we see stooping shoulders, a hunched back, and the
sapped vitality has produced a cripple, with perhaps crossed eyes added, scant,
coarse hair, and leathery skin you have a creature capable of the deeds of Mr
Hyde. This is the low mean, jealous, surly, dishonest villain; a lower state
of degradation than any other type can reach, except the Mercurian, but vile
enough for all. These malformed Saturnians will stick a dagger into your back,
and gloat over your death agonies. No more malevolent creatures live. This of
course, is a picture so exaggerated as to be scarcely conceivable, but it is
sometimes found.
We have now followed the Saturnian from the sober "balance wheel",
through a serious of developments and characteristic to the wretch just described.
You can appreciate the gravity of this type, and the handling of the Mount must
be done with great care. With a pronounced Saturnian development, use all your
powers to learn how much of it is in the subject uncounteracted by
other qualities. Some Saturnian should be present, for the absence
of any makes an unbalanced character, but the subject wants only just enough
to give the balance needed. Any excess will make a morbid, melancholy, gloomy
person, pessimistic and stingy. The very strong Mount and finger, or, which
occurs more often, all the fingers and apices leaning toward the finger of Saturn,
will show the good type I have described, who is peculiar but not necessarily
evil. The excessively grilled or crossed development of the Mount, bad Heart-line
and with crooked, gnarled finger and hard hand, will show the bad type. Everything
you know should be brought to bear on the case when a Saturnian is before you,
in order to determine how strongly the qualities of the type are developed.
In health matters
there are certain diseases to which Saturnians are predisposed, and in a strongly
Saturnian subject, with bad health showing on the Life line, it is nine chances
to one that the trouble will be one of the diseases peculiar to the type: which
one can be told by the nails, color, or some other health indication.
First of all the Saturnian is the purely bilious type. Theirs is not a temporary
trouble of the liver, but a structural disease of the organ, hence the presence
of the bile poison in the blood. This makes the Saturnian yellow, which color
will be found tinging their nails, palm, lines, and Mount. All the troubles
which yellow color indicates, both as to health and temperament, are to be attributed
to the subject if that color is present. As bile in the blood creates intense
nervousness, the Saturnian is troubled with this as one of his health difficulties.
If this nervousness goes far it causes danger of paralysis. The degree of nerve
trouble is easy to determine from the nails, which should be carefully noted.
Rheumatism is another trouble, also hemorrhoids, and varicose veins; the tendency
toward the two latter can be determined by noting how prominently the veins
on the hands stand out, seeming as if filled with hard blood. The paralysis
which threatens this type will probably attack their lower limbs, for there
is a weak point. Their teeth are delicate, and they are liable to ear trouble,
which is indicated by dots or small islands on the line of Head under the Mount
of Saturn. With every Saturnian subject look for these health difficulties if
any disturbance is seen on the line of Life. A grille or cross-cars on the Mount
of Saturn will suggest health defects of the type, which can be easily located
from nails, etc. In estimating the degree of strength of the type, bring to
bear all your knowledge. Texture of the skin will show whether the subject is
refined or coarse. The finer the grad the less liability of the development
of the evil side. Such a subject may be blue or despondent, but not necessarily
a pessimist.
The coarse texture of skin will make all the Saturnian qualities
coarse. It will emphasize the hatred for mankind, will make an inciter of riot;
one who wants complete liberty and rebels against restraint of any kind. Fine
or medium texture is best.
Flexibility of the hand will greatly modify the severity of the type. The elastic
mind will not so readily yield to gloom, despondency, or ad instinct as the
unyielding mind, shown by the stiff hand. The Saturnian is naturally stingy,
and the stiff hand adds greatly to this tendency, while the flexible hand takes
away from it. A flexible hand will make the subject likely to enjoy the society
of fellow men; a stiff hand will make them shun and hate mankind intensely.
With the flexible hand look for a good type; with the stiff hand look out of
a mean, unenlightened, selfish exhibition of bad qualities and tendencies.
Consistency of hand
If their hand has flabby consistency, their
laziness will make them useless. They will indulge al their morbid tendencies,
for they will not work, and labor might throw off some of their bad side. Being
lazy and still possessing the qualities of this type, they will talk a great
deal, will rail at capital, trusts, and all things which are successful, and
from this class of lazy Saturnians often come the anarchists who throw bombs.
Soft hands will be a slight improvement over the flabby. This subject will not
be quite so lazy and will have higher ideals. Elastic consistency is the best,
for it will show a proper amount of energy, which will keep the liver more active
and reduce the gloom and morbidity of the subject. They will have the elastic
qualities of mind and method, the intelligent energy, which will lift them out
of much of their difficulty. Hard hands, again, coarsen the type and emphasize
its bad qualities. The over-energy will cause them to push their already unpleasant
views to excess; the stubborn brain will oppose progress and invention, and
will clamor for a return of the "good old days." This individual is
the chronic opposer of everything. No matter what it is, they are against it.
They will be stingy, narrow, ignorant, and superstitious.
The color the hand is of much importance. Yellow is expected, for there is an
excess of bile. The yellower the hand the "yellower" the point of
view of the subject. Gloom, melancholy, distorted views, rancor, irritability,
intense nervousness, and even criminality will be found if yellow color is pronounced.
White color is often found. This makes a subject cold, repellent, and unattractive.
They will strongly incline to fly from the society of their fellows and be shunned
wherever they go, and being sensitive this will add to their hatred of men,
while their cutting remarks will make them more disagreeable. They cannot succeed
in anything where they must come in contact with the public. A cold Saturnian
is a picture of misery, and this subject is likely to be bad.
Pink color will show a better state of health and a more cheerful and better
Saturnian. To them all things will not be hopeless. The bright vivacity of pink
color will lift and lighten the veil of gloom with which the Saturnian is enveloped,
and there will be no such chance for a malevolent creature as with yellow or
white color.
Red is also good. It shows the increased ardor peculiar to the color, also indicating
better health and strength, which reduces the gloom and brightens the subject.
Unless there are other things present which red qualities might influence, red
is a good color.
Blue color will show liability to hemorrhoids and varicose veins, as well as
heart disease, and if a grille is on the Mount of Saturn or cross-bars with
blue color, you may be sure of piles, possibly of varicose veins. Look to the
veins on the back of the hand for further confirmation.
Nails are important to consider for both character and disease. The short, critical
nail on a bad Saturnian will be a poor accompaniment. All the mean, critical
qualities of this nail will be added to the disagreeable qualities of the type.
Critical nails on even a good Saturnian are an unpleasant indication, and will
make them cranky and pronounced in their vies. The best nail is the broad healthy
one, which will tend to give better health and consequently better temper. The
narrow nail of delicate constitution does not help their condition, nor does
it make them any more agreeable. Consumption and heart-disease nails will show
these diseases present, though not being difficulties peculiar to the type,
their presence would not be expected. if seen, use them as denoting their peculiar
trouble. Fluted and brittle nails are expected, as nervousness and paralysis
are health defects of the type. Judge the degree which the trouble has reached
by the extent of change in the nail. Beginning at the white spots, through all
the various stages to the brittle turned-back nail, you can tell how far the
difficulty has progressed. In all nails first determine what the nail indicates,
its degree of development, and then apply it to the Saturnian qualities which
will give the correct reading. If it is a health indication, think whether the
trouble is peculiar to the type; if it is, the danger is greater than if it
is not.
Hair on the hands will tell by its presence and color how hardy the subject
is, Black hair will add tricky tendencies to a Saturnian, blond color will mark
them more likely to be frank and trustworthy. Gauge the amount of hair found,
its color and fineness, and use there hair qualities in judging those of the
Hand as a whole
The hand as a whole must be considered, for if the finger be in excess of the
palm it will show that the mental world is in excess. This will make the subject
a student and scholar, bur they will not be much of a business person. They
will write learned books, make a good teacher, but will not be a money-maker.
if the middle portion of the hand is most pronounced the abstract world rule,
and they will find success in business. If the lower third of the hand is developed
grosser qualities will be added to the Saturnian and make them a very bad person.
If one of the three worlds is absent and the other two developed, work out the
combination. If it is mental and base world with the middle absent, you know
that a visionary Saturnian, who is ruled by bad, earthy qualities, is present,
without the good influence of the middle world. use this same reasoning with
the other worlds which are present or absent.
Phalanxes of Saturn finger
Note also the phalanges of the finger. If the first is longest the mental world
is the strongest. the subject will be a student and thinker inclined to superstition
and fond of occult sciences. The second phalanx of the finger longest will show
that farming, agriculture, scientific investigations, chemistry, physics, history,
and mathematics are the things most the their taste. This is the medium world
and the business side of the Saturnian is shown here. With this second phalanx
longest they will be able to gain a livelihood from the pursuits of the vocations
peculiar tot he type, and should be advised to go into such occupations and
pursue these studies. If the third phalanx is longest, the baser attributes
will be in the ascendancy. As the Saturnian is not sensual we cannot attribute
sensualism to them from the long third phalanx. The baser qualities which belongs
to the type is money-worship. If the type is good and the third phalanx
long you can say they are only economical. If the type is coarse or
bad and third phalanx long it means miserliness. If this third phalanx is thick
it will make them less studious, if it is waist-like they will pursue
with great eagerness the investigation of the studies for which they have peculiar
If the finger is bent is adds shrewdness to the Mount and the Saturnian qualities. If the finger is very short they are not a Saturnian, and entirely lacks seriousness and balance. Note whether the apex of the Mount leans toward Jupiter; if it does the wisdom of Saturn will be added to the Jupiterian ambitions, pride and love of command. if the apex lies toward Apollo it will lend soberness and wisdom to the Apollonian qualities. In either of these cases the severity of the morbidness of Saturn is diminished, for they give themselves over to the other Mounts. If the apex is in the center of the Mount all their interest is centered in themselves and is influenced by the qualities of the other Mounts. If the finger leans toward Jupiter it will give off some of the strength of Saturn to Jupiter. Thus Jupiter will become wise and cautious as a leader. If the finger leans toward Apollo some of the Saturnian soberness will be drawn toward Apollo and they will become more quite and careful.
You must note the finger tips. If all the tips are of one shape
and Saturn's tip is different, it means that Saturn will have the qualities
of this tip, the other fingers those of the tips they have. This is very useful
if the fingers be conic, for a conic tip to Saturn alone will all other
tips square or spatulate, would bake the balance wheel weaker than
the rest of the fingers.
- If the other fingers are conic and Saturn conic also, it does not throw them
out of balance. The more pointed the tip of Saturn, the more idealism enters
into the subject. Superstition is rampant, and they are rules by dreams, signs,
and omens. This is especially true if the first phalanx be long as well as pointed.
The character is more erratic, and the balance wheel not so powerful.
- If the tip be square you find practical common-sense, and the subject becomes
quiet, less superstitious, and inclines to soberness and even melancholy if
very square.
Note which
phalanx is the longest. A conic tip and long second phalanx will give idealism
to the attributes of the second phalanx and affect their operation. In like
manner it will affect both the first and third phalanges if they are longest.
Square tips will make the farming, chemistry, medicine, physics, or mathematics
of the second phalanx very practical, useful, and likely to be productive of
money results. If will add greatly to the economy or miserliness of the third
phalanx, and take away from the superstition of the first. Spatulate tips will
add activity and originality to the Saturnian wisdom and soberness, will impel
the subject to mingle with their fellows, be more active, and will make them
a great worker, if they are a farmer, doctor. If a chemist, it will lead them
to seek new compounds, if a doctor, new treatments, if a mathematician, new
systems for figuring, and it will give great activity in all these operations.
The individual phalanges must be judges, and spatulate qualities added to them
as found developed. The spatulate tip is the broadest of all; it will thus give
the greatest seriousness to the finger. The spatulate balance wheel will be
the strongest balance of all. If the Saturnian type be very pronounced with
this spatulate tip (100), the subject will be gloomy, morose, sullen, and hard
to get along with, for they will push their disagreeable qualities with spatulate
activity and originality.
If the finger be very deficient with a conic tip, the subject will be led by
everyone and will have no stamina whatever (101 two illustrations). The balance
wheel is entirely lacking, and even a good thumb will not help this subject,
for they are flighty and entirely untrustworthy.
If the fingers are knotty, the qualities of analysis and reasoning
will be present. They will make Saturnian qualities more pronounced and add
to the seriousness of the subject. Always a careful type, knotty fingers will
make them more careful and slow and with knots, there will be no such thing
as impulse or sentiment. A natural doubter, the Saturnian with knotty fingers
will be an absolute skeptic, they will be analytical in their agricultural and
scientific pursuits, and a methodical person. The knotty-fingered Saturnian
makes a good judge, for they are wise, not governed by sentiment, and analytical.
Conic tips lessen the intensity of knotty fingers. Square tips make them practical,
spatulate tips, active and original. All these combinations of tips will be
seen on knotty-fingered Saturnians, and life to this subject is serious and
real. Smooth fingers make a Saturnian impulsive, a lover of the beautiful, and
their musical nature becomes prominent. If the tips be conic this is most pronounced,
if the tips be square the artistic side becomes practical, and with spatulate
tips spatulate qualities are present. The smooth-fingered Saturnian is a decidedly
happier type, and not so liable to despondency. They tend strong toward superstition
and become proficient in occult sciences. Long fingers give them detail and
minutiae. If the first phalanx be long, they go into the depth of mysticism
and superstition. With the second phalanx long, they will not omit a detail
in the scientific studies or the agricultural pursuits which they follow. Short
finger will give the quick thought and action peculiar to them. The Saturnian
qualities will be present but will be operated with short-fingered quickness.
If the tips be conic, the short-fingered impulse will be very great, if square
it will decrease in degree, and spatulate tips will add the fiery impetuosity
belonging to these tips. Short finger will make the Saturnian less careful in
dress but also less repellent and more approachable. Long fingers them them
tidier, but the suspicion of long fingers leads them to distrust and dislike
mankind, and they are hard to get aquatinted with.
The thumb tells what support will and reason are to give to the subject. A short
thumb will show a weak character and will make the Saturnian vacillating. A
large thumb will add to the gravity and determination of the type. With the
thumb thoroughly understood it will not be hard to apply whatever thumb is found
to the Saturnian qualities of the subject. The amount of determination,
gauge by length of the will phalanx, what kind, by the shape of the phalanx,
how much reason is present by the length of the second phalanx, and
what kind by the shape of this phalanx. Whether will or reason are
balanced, is determined by the comparative lengths of the phalanges. These will
all tell the amount and kind of force pushing the Saturnian qualities forward.
Pointed thumbs take away from the strength of the type, square or spatulate
add greatly to it.
Note carefully which Mount type is secondary and which world guides it from
the phalanges of its finger. In this way having found in which world the Saturnian
subject is most prominent, you will be able to judge what side of the secondary
Mount will operate to aid them.
Saturnian is predisposed to suicide as an end to their woes. Always more or
less gloomy by nature, ill-success, sickness, or slighting treatment often casts
them into depths of despair from which they see no relief but death. if they
be a high type they may, by mental force, hold themselves level. If they be
ill or weak in character, a dose of poison will relieve them from suffering.
See the pictures of the Chittenden Hotel suicide.
In November 1898, a well-dressed, fine-looking woman came toe the Chittenden
Hotel, engaged a room for a few days, absolutely destroyed every clue to her
identity, and killed herself. She took an enormous dose of morphine, supposedly
to deaden the pain of the carbolic acid with she completed her destruction.
Her only request was for a respectable burial, to pay for which she left $150
in her purse. She lay for ten days at the morgue, her picture was printed all
over the United States, but she was never identified. The pictures of her hands
were taken the day before her burial. The Life Line shows a most remarkable
confirmation of her death. The hand also shows the diseases which produce the
mental condition necessary for the act.
In considering the matter of criminology in connection with the types, we find more real criminals come from the Saturnians and Mercurians than from any of the others. There is in these two types an instinct of dislike toward mankind, even if the subject have only a slightly excessive development. This lead the bad specimens to constantly invade the rights of others. The prisons are occupied by a majority of Saturnians and Mercurians. In examining the crime for which law-breakers are incarcerated, it becomes apparent that the other types have fallen, often from bad environments or from sudden temptations to do wrong, which have overcome the subject before they have time to think it over. In these cases the subjects are heartily sorry they transgressed the law, and very infrequently become chronic lawbreakers. They are the so-called criminals who can be reclaimed. The fact is, they were never real criminals. The professional crooks who commit crime at every opportunity, and serve two and three sentences, combing under the law "habitual criminals," are almost all Saturnians or Mercurians. They are real criminals at heart- mean to do wrong; their hands are against every man, and they live and die planning how to best their fellows. These subjects do not reform in reality- all pretences in this direction are merely to deceive and gain an advantage over the unsuspecting. An interesting fact to note in this matter of criminality is that the two types from which criminals come are the two bilious ones, the Saturnian and the Mercurian. Bile seems capable of perverting everything and making it evil; certainly its two types are those from which the most desperate criminals spring. keep this well in mind in estimating the Saturnian. Do not fall into the error of thinking these are no good Saturnians. Some of the grandest of men, noble high-minded, and successful, belong to this type. Abraham Lincoln was one. Always do your Saturnian subjects justice; they may be Lincolns; but at the same time do not forget the large number of "Burglar Jims" who belong to the same type.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly
called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala
for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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