of Apollo
The third Mount type is the Apollonian, and the parts of the hand which identify
these individuals are the Mount and finger of Apollo. This is a pleasant type
to handle, because it is a good type, and, while the Apollonian sometimes becomes
mercenary and shoddy, they do not often become bad or criminal. As has been
already noticed in the study of the types, the two which become bad and vicious
are the bilious types - Saturn and Mercury and, while the others are sometimes
coarse, they do not often descend to criminality. When they do, we have seen,
it is the result of sudden emotions or circumstances, and not as a result of
inherent badness.
As single signs, or in combination, the star, triangle, circle,
single vertical line, square, or trident, strengthen a Mount of Apollo.
The cross bar, grille, cross, island, or dot show defects of the Mount, either
of health or character. Nails, color, etc, will determine which (102).
The normal Apollonian is a healthy, vigorous person, consequently
happy, genial, and attractive. They are a spontaneous type, and versatility,
brilliancy, love of the beautiful and artistic in everything, are their attributes.
Standing alongside the Saturnian, they are the direct opposite of that gloomy
person. The dark side of life is in the background with them and, as the Saturnian
was needed as a check to over enthusiasm, so the Apollonian is needed in order
that darkness and gloom may not dominate. Play and diversion must follow work
if we are to keep ourselves healthy and vigorous, and someone must provide these
recreative things, these rests from seriousness. We must have comedians, for
laughter is a tonic to the tired brain. The Jupiterian is engrossed in the schemes
for aggrandizement; the Saturnian is absorbed in wisdom, sobriety, or gloom;
who then shall provide the bright things which shall make life worth living?
That task is the Apollonian's.
This type has been completely misunderstood. It has always stood for art and
brilliancy, and the temptation has been to ascribe to every hand which has a
good Mount of Apollo great artistic talent, frequently far in excess of that
really possessed by the subject. All Apollonians are not artists ar actors,
and never can be. But all Apollonians love beauty in dress, home, business surroundings,
and every walk in life in which they are found. They enjoy life by the force
of their spontaneous natures, and cause those around them to enjoy it. All things
beautiful and artistic appeal to them. It by no means follows that they will
ever be producers or creators of art, but it is certain they
always love it.
a person with creative power and a mere lover of the beautiful there is a wide
difference, never lose sight of this fact in the Apollonian type. Do not ascribe
great artistic talent to one who is merely fond of beauty in dress and surroundings.
To be sure, the Apollonian is a lover of art, but unless they ave a finely developed
Mount, apex in the center, finger long, first phalanx long, and a fine, deep-cut
Line of Apollo (103), often with stars on it, do not ascribe creative artistic
power to them.
the above strong markings they will have creative power and will not be merely
a love of the beautiful (104).
The Apollonian has another side. They are highly successful in business, and
they carry their love of beauty here as everywhere else. They are richly endowed
with graces which draw people to them, and with their natural brilliancy and
versatility they adapt themselves to the conditions of the times, the demands
of the public, chooses their good with a tasteful eye, and makes money thereby.
This subject is found strongly marked with a high Mount, apex in the centre,
but not necessarily cut with deep lines; if there are any such, you will find
several vertical ones on the Mount, showing diversity of talent, but not the
creative power of the artist. Generally you find a secondary, Mercurian development
to accentuate the business shrewdness. With the Apollonian it is necessary,
above all, to distinguish these two classes,- those capable of creative power
in art, and those who are mere lovers of the beautiful and tasteful things of
The Apollonian is a handsome type. They are of medium height,
between the Jupiterian and Saturnian, is not fleshy like the Jupiterian, nor
lean and lanky like the Saturnian, but is shapely, muscular, and athletic. The
lines of the body run in graceful curves, and they are light and supple. Their
complexion is clear, their skin white, fine and firm in texture, and cheeks
rosy. This pinkness of color gives the clue to a healthy condition and consequent
attractiveness. The hair is thick, wavy, and black or auburn in color, fine
and silky in quality, and when they have a beard it partakes of the same fineness
and abundance, growing over the chin, lip, and high on the cheeks. Their forehead
is broad and full, but no high, the eyes are large, almond-shaped, brown or
blue in color, with long lashes curling up at the ends. The eyes have a frank
honest expression, which changes to sweetness and sympathy when the emotions
are in play, and they sparkle with the brilliancy and life of the brain behind
them. Their cheeks are firm and rounded, showing no hollows. The nose is straight
and finely shaped, the nostrils beautifully proportioned, and dilating sensitively
under the play of emotions; as is the case with all highly strung organizations.
The mouth is graceful in outline, the lips curved and set evenly, neither thin
nor large and thick. the teeth are finely shaped, strong, even, and white, firmly
set in healthy red gums. The chin is shapely and rounded, neither retreating
nor protruding, showing evenly balanced firmness. The ears are of medium size,
well formed, and pink, setting close to the head. The neck is long, muscular,
and well shaped, but showing neither cord-like muscles, nor a prominent Adam's
apple." This shapely neck connects the well shaped had with strong shoulders,
which are muscular and graceful. The chest is full and capacious, expands well
under the inspiration, which fact undoubtedly contributes much to purifying
the blood, pink color with healthy conditions following.
The voice is musical, but not full or resonant. The
lower limbs are graceful, muscular, finely proportioned, and are never fat.
The feet are of medium size, the insteps arching and high, which gives spring
and elasticity to the walk. This is a particularly distinguishing feature of
the Apllonian. In this type is a picture of healthy conditions, beautiful proportions,
grace and symmetry of body, and to these must be linked a mind full of similar
charms and attributes. From every point of view the Apollonian is brilliant,
full of the love of beauty, art, color, and form. The Mount, from its brilliancy,
has also been called the Line of the Sun, or of Brilliancy, and to it has been
ascribed a fortunate career, with wealth and fame as the reward. As this line
shows the strength of development of the Apollonian qualities in a subject,
making the Mount stronger, thus the type also, it is not unreasonable that wealth
and fame should be secured by so brilliant a subject as is the Apollonian.
The Apollonian is highly intuitive. They see through things
more quickly than other people and especially is this perceptive faculty strong
in art and literature. They do no labor to learn, as does their companion, the
Saturnian, neither are they as profound and deep. But the Apollonian, no matter
how little they may really know, will make a brilliant show of it. and in any
company, from the seeming depth of their knowledge and research, is a surprise.
This arises from the wonderful versatility of their nature, and the quick way
they have of grasping a small idea nd making a great deal out of it.
They are inventive as well as an imitator, and can put old things in new ways.
Thus they often get credit for knowing a great deal more than they really do.
They are always the centre of attraction in whatever company they be found and
will adapt themselves to circumstances and people. They can be thrown with scientists
and will cope with them in whatever field of research they are working. They
will, with equal facility and without thought or preparation, join a body of
socialists, artists, anarchists, doctors, lawyers, or any profession or class,
and will astonish those present with their seeming mastery of the particular
subject. Their adaptability and versatility are astonishing, and "brilliant"
is the only word that fitly describes them.
They fairly sparkle with intuition, and seem to learn with study. This makes them sought by all classes of people. They are the life of the drawing-room, the hero of the athletic field, the daring and successful plunger either in the stock marked or at the gaming table. In any and all walks of life they are found, full of dash, brilliancy, versatility. For them the beautiful nature, women, home decorations, and dress, have always a fascination. Anything that lack beauty is repulsive. With this strong passion in them they are the artist always and in everything. They may not be the great painter, but if they have short nails, surely they are the critic. They adores art in every form, and owing to their versatility, they are always a dabbler in it. They love fine clothes, luxurious home surroundings, and jewels. If they are the refined type with first phalanx the longest, they will have excellent taste in all these. If they belong to the class who have the world of the third phalanx longest, they will be loud shoddy in displaying their love of such matters. They are a good fellow. Health is good with them, so they feel kindly toward mankind, especially as he manages to cope with them so easily. They are a warm friend, but being brilliant, they make enemies among those less so than himself, and these enemies often become bitter and envious rivals. Their brain is clear, and in all matters of business, religion, art, or literature they see things from a logical point of view. They have a great facility of expression, and while not always deep is easy to understand. To him success is natural, it comes by the very force of circumstance. Friends and the world like them and gladly do much to forward their interests, and they are thus pushed by their admirers into many advantageous enterprises. They attain high positions and is a great moneymaker. They are never economical and do not rely on putting away a part of their earnings, but by brilliant and successful spurts forges ahead. Their tastes are luxurious and their expenditures follow them, but they make so much that the expenses seem little. They are always figuring in the thousands, and looks down upon the single dollars.
The Apollonian is never afraid to air their view, or to speak their mind freely, and they love to hear themselves talk. They are religious in their instincts, and seemingly understands religion as they do every other subject and problem of the universe. They are not a fanatic, nor superstitious, no are they a doubter; but they embraces religious faith with the eagerness characteristic of him. Among their other accomplishments, they are proficient in occult sciences, and does some wonderful things. They cannot explain how, but knows it is not from deep study. If is in reality their highly intuitive faculties that make them proficient here. They are cheerful, happy, and bright, and though they are subject to bursts of quick temper which are fierce while they last, it is only a momentary flash, and they hold no resentment. They do not harbor grudges and has the ability to win over their worst enemy to at least a seeming friendship. They do no make lasting friends, but by their brilliancy temporarily attracts and enslaves. They themselves are not a lasting friend, consequently they do not inspire true friendship in others.
As much as they love pleasure and gayety they are neither amorous nor sensual, - that is, in the high type. They love a banquet as much for the after-dinner wit, the music, the decorations, the beauty of dress, as for the viands which grace the table. They love the opposite sex who are beautiful, finely or tastefully dressed, and passions of the bases sort do no inflame them. They do not fall a prey to dissipation as easily as might be thought, though they will not refuse pleasure in any form when it has the proper accompaniments. They are a great traveler and fond of seeing the world. They are honest, and acknowledge their faults, full appreciates their own brilliancy and does not deny it. They do not need to steal for they can make money too easily. They honestly desire celebrity and gains it. If they relied more on effort and less on brilliancy, they would reach fame more frequently and in greater degree. If they could chain their talents, their brilliancy of mind, body, and endowment, down to a definite line of work, they would dominate the world. As it is, they move among us a brilliant possibility, magnificent specimen physically and mentally, a joy, a pleasure, a benefit, but too often, through their versatility, a "Jack of all trades." In their marriage relations the Apollonian if often unhappy. They are predisposed to marry, does not, like the Saturnian, withdraw from and hate mankind, but their ideal is very high; they are brilliant themselves and they want a mate who can shine with them. Humanity is frail, and those most brilliant often choose much less-favored helpmates. when this is the case the Apollonian finds themselves disappointed and their marriage a failure. With a large percentage of the type this is true and should be so treated in your readings.
There is a bad type of Apollonian. In it you find the markings of Mount and finger strong enough to show you that the subject is of this type, but you find a thick third phalanx, short first, crooked finger with short nails, hard consistency, no flexibility, or with other indications showing a decrease of the mentality and fineness of the type. Then the subject will be undersized, with common features, none of the beauty of the best type. The hair will be stiff, crisp, and a dingy yellow. The complexion will be either red or sallow, the eyes sometimes crossed, and instead of a clean, tidy artistic being, you have a common person not giving any indication of the brilliancy of the type. This specimen will be vain and boastful, and have a good opinion of themselves and their ability. They are fond of show and display (the material world rules) and, with the extravagance of the type present without their brilliant way of moneymaking, they will be improvident and poor. They crave notoriety, will tell how talented they are, seeks to be an actor, and greatly overestimates themselves. When repulsed they become bittern and revengeful and thinks himself badly used. They imagine that their want of success comes from the fact that others are conspiring against them. These individuals will stop at nothing to make themselves conspicuous, and will commit any folly to produce this result. Altogether they are an unhappy, unsuccessful creature. Note, however, that they are seldom criminal. The two extremes of this type have many degrees of development between them and the Apollonian type is often combined with other types that modify it.
With the mental picture of the two extreme types, I do not believe there will be any trouble after practice in estimating the degree of Apollonian quality possessed by the any subject. All Apollonians have health difficulties peculiar to them. the type is naturally a healthy one and to this fact may be attributed much of their success. They are entirely wanting in that most baneful influence, biliousness, so none of its irritating, depressing effect is present. this shows on health, temper, and character, for the Apollonian, free from bile, is usually healthy, happy, and good, and even on their worst side not a criminal. They do no over-eat and their stomach is healthy, but their heart is often irregular in its movement. Heart trouble is the principle health defect of the type, When examining an Apollonian for health, look for blue nails, the heart-disease nail, look at the Heart-line for islands, dots, cross-bars, cuts in the line, chains, stars, or anything that is a defect of the line, and then at the Life line for some sign of delicacy there. Look for a grille on the Mount, and if found with any of the above indications, it will tell you that it is a health defect of the type and not a check to his prosperity. Look for cross-cars cutting the Mount; these are worse than a grille. By this method you can locate heart trouble, the leading health difficulty of the type. The Apollonian is subject to weak eyes. If you find a health defect in your subject, see if a small dot or small island is found on the Head line under the Mount. This will locate the trouble in the eyes. They are also liable to sunstroke and should avoid danger from this source. Fevers are also likely but they are acute attracts, and, unless the Life line shows great disturbance and other indications are found, you will have trouble in locating them. This matter will be fully treated later as it does not properly belong here. If is essential to know that health defect of the type, as necessity to use them will frequently arise.
Note carefully the apex of the Mount, see if it is directly
in the centre or whether it leans to one or the other Mounts. If Apollo leans
toward Saturn it will give off some of its brightness and gayety to
the melancholy Mount. Thus Saturn will be less somber, sad, and severe. If Saturn
leans toward Apollo it will make Apollo more grave, serious, and less spontaneous.
- If Apollonians towards Mercury it will tinge that Mount with love of beauty
and the artistic sense and brilliancy of Apollo. If Mercury leans toward Apollo
it will make Apollo partake of the business shrewdness and scientific qualities
of Mercury. By understanding each Mount thoroughly and remembering that when
one Mount leans toward another, it gives off some of its force to the Mount
toward which it leans, you can reason out all displacement of the Mounts. This
is a great advantage gained by thoroughly understanding the Mount types.
Having now a thorough understanding of the Apollonian type,
we will apply to them the qualities which underlie their character and find
out what they will do for them. Texture of the skin will tell us whether the
subject is refined or course. Here, as everywhere else, we do no find the type
exclusively in any one station or grade in life. Common as well as refined people
have Apollonian qualities. Texture will help to locate the grade If fine, the
mental world (first phalanx) is probably predominant, and the love of refined
beauty and art the result. Course texture will make the tastes coarse, and will
it we expect the lower world to rule (third phalanx). In this case a love of
loud colors and display will be present. The medium texture will follow the
middle world (second phalanx) and the business side will be strong. Consistency
will show whether energy or laziness is to make or mar the success of the subject.
The flabby hand will produce the hyper-refined idler, full of beautiful visions,
with the most luxurious and fastidious tastes, but too lazy to do any work to
gratify them. In this case someone else will be the support, as no more impractical
subjects exist than the flabby-handed Apollonians. They are attractive, however,
and have many friends for they do not have energy enough to make enemies. Soft
hands are better, for these show the subject will put forth some effort. These
subjects are as artistic and refined as the flabby hands, but will do something
occasionally, and can cultivate energy if they wish to. The elastic consistency
belongs to the Apollonian who makes money out of their brilliancy. If they are
an artist they produce something marketable and has the facility of finding
a buyer. If they are an actor they find a good salary in return for their talents.
As a writer they get pay for their efforts.
They are successful in business for they bring intelligent energy to bear on
these pursuits and turns their brilliancy to account.
The hard hand belongs to a course Apollonian, who talks much and lack the refinement
belonging to the higher development of the type. flexibility will show elasticity
added to an already brilliant mind. If the flexibility is great and the Apollonian
type strongly marked, it will show the most versatile, brilliant person imaginable.
Too much so in fact, for they will fly to extremes and will constantly shoot
over the heads of the inhabitants of earth. Every impression and emotion find
quick expression with them, and they enjoy and suffer much, so delicately are
they organized. This is the brilliant artist who works by fits and stars producing
only a few things in a lifetime but each of them a gem. This subject is vary
extravagant. The medium flexibility will be best for the subject, for no additional
mental elasticity is needed by a pure Apollonian. This will make a subject well
balanced, even tempered, and self contained; ne who will no easily fly off at
a tangent, and in both the worlds of art and business, they will, by being more
conservative, be more successful. The stiff hand will show that the stiff-brain
qualities have taken away some of the versatility of the subject. They will
be less likely to scatter their energies, and more inclined to confine themselves
to a definite occupation. They will be less brilliant, as the typical Apollonian
qualities are much reduced.
Pink or red color we expect to find in the Apollonian for the healthy type must
have one of the healthy colors. Pink will lend vivacity and cheer to the already
happy subject, and is the color par excellence.
Red will show strong, healthy blood supply, but it should not be too pronounced
for heart trouble is a difficulty of the type. If found, look at nails and heat
line to see how much pressure the heart is sustaining. |
White color is not expected, for Apollonians are not cold, if present it will
pull down the attractiveness and health of the subject, showing a weak heart,
and this is dangerous, for it is the health defect of the type. Here again look
well to nails and the Heart line. With white color, there will be no such success
as belongs to the natural type, and when found it will tell of the probable
spoiling of the best qualities of the subject.
Yellow or Mercurian types may be found to be secondary, in which case yellow
color may be present, but it is not expected with the Apollonian type, and is
a great defect when found. If will, to a large degree, spoil the subject and
make their success harder to accomplish and much less certain. One source of
beauty in this type is their freedom from excess of bile, but when they have
this, they are no better than other types which have it. If yellow color is
found, examine carefully to see if it is merely temporary, if not, give yellow
color qualities to the subject in whatever degree of pronouncedness you find
Blue color will be seen if heart difficulty is present. If will be seen in temporary
blue blotches in the hands, or, if sever, in the coloring of the whole palm.
The nails will also have the deep blue settled at their bases which will tell
of serious heart trouble. This is augmented if the heart-disease nail is found.
Be careful what you say to this subject, so as not to alarm them, for that would
be dangerous. If is well to look carefully to the Heart line, and note whether
an island or dot appears on it, under the Mount of Apollo. If so, this case
is very serious. the Life line should then be examined to judge to wheat extent
the difficulty has undermined the constitution, or is likely to. The nails will
tell by their size, whether the general health is strong or delicate. This will
have much to do in estimating the subject. the color under the nail will show
whether pink health, white coldness, yellow biliousness, red ardor, or blue
heart trouble is present. the latter is most important with this type. Pink
nails are what we expect; others are abnormal and when found give their qualities
to the subject.
The texture of nail will show whether nervous trouble is present. this is sometimes
produced by the manner in which the subject takes chances and rushes into speculation.
Through all the nervous formations it can be judged what degree of trouble is
present. Bulbous nails add tubercular trouble, either of lungs or spin. Short,
critical nails will give argumentative force to a person already fond of talking,
and they will push their view with vigor. Heart-disease nails will show structural
defect in the Apollonian's weak spot. A finely textures, pink-colored, smooth,
open nail is what we expect to find, which tell tell of brightness, spontaneity,
and honesty.
Hair on the hands tells of the vigor of the constitution. blond hair is expected
and must be distinguished from yellow or silver color; and to the typical Apollonian
blond must be of a brilliant golden hue. There is more fire and snap to this
hair, which approaches black than when it is a dull, straw color. Black hair
makes the subject quicker and more vivacious, adding to the sparkle of an already
sparkling character. It also lends to the subject a dash of the fire belonging
to black color, and makes them unusually sharp and keen. The more hair found
on the hand the more vitality the subject has.
Hand as Whole
The hand as a whole, will tell in which world the subject moves.
- If the fingers predominate in length over the palm, then mind will rule, and
either in literature, art, poetry, drawing, architecture, or kindred subjects
will they find their proper vocation.
- If the middle world is best developed they will be the person for business.
They will organize syndicates, indulge in large speculations, head great companies,
and be a brilliant figure in the commercial world.
- If the lower third of the hand be strongest they will be rules by base instincts,
commoner in their tastes, and fond of show. This is especially marked if the
third phalanx of the finger of Apollo is thick. Note carefully if the three
worlds are in balance or if one is deficient. Whatever the combination, reason
out the result by noting which worlds are present, which absent, and combining
the attributes of those found.
The fingers must be closely studied.
- If the fingers of Apollo and Jupiter are of the same length, then we have
a balance between ambition and brilliancy which will produce good results.
- If Apollo is longer than Jupiter, then artistic or business tastes will be
in the ascendancy.
- If Apollo is as long as Saturn, or nearly so, the subject will take great
changes in everything,- will risk life, money, reputation, in carrying out their
enterprises. They are a plunger, speculator, or gambler.
- If Apollo is long than Saturn, they will be the foolhardy gambler, unable
to restrain their propensities.
- If the finger is bend laterally it will add shrewdness to their character,
and with the finger extremely long and crooked also, will show the tricky gambler.
- If the first phalanx is flexible, bending back easily, it will show flexibility
in the mental qualities of the type.
- If the first phalanx is longest, it will show that artistic mental qualities
are the strongest, and here is the place you must separate the artistic from
the business side of the subject. The first phalanx longest indicates the artist,
the writer, the poet, and the subject who will be given to these pursuits.
With the second phalanx longest the business side prevails.
When the third phalanx is longest, the subject is not destined for art; they
will be fond of display and will have common tastes and love flashy colors.
- If the first and second phalanges are equal in length, then the artistic talents
can be made to yield money, ad the business and artistic worlds are combines.
If the business world is short, the Apollonian may achieve a reputation, but
will make little money.
- If the second and third phalanges are equally long, and the first short, there
will only be a desire for money-making, and no artistic quality. This subject
will wear flashy clothing and incline to be "shoddy." In judging the
phalanges, see which is shortest, and which has gained length at its expense.
Estimate what has been taken out of the subject, and what has been furnished
in increased supply.
Finger tips
The finger tips will add their qualities to the finger
and the character. Conic tips will make the subject more artistic and, with
the first phalanx longest, add to its qualities the artistic conic qualities.
Square tips make them practical and regular in habits, spatulate tips very active
and original. With a long first phalanx the square tip will almost equal the
presence of a long second phalanx. With the second phalanx longest and conic
tip, the subject will add the artistic qualities of the conic tip to the business
side of their nature. They will dress well, deep their place of business attractive,
and wherever they go will have artistic things around them. They will be fond
of pleasure, and may not keep down to business and closely as they might.
- If the tip be square it will add common-sense, practical ideas, to an already
good business person, and there will be every chance of success.
With a spatulate tip they will be very original and make a natural entertainer.
All their Apollonian qualities of pleasure-giving have originality and activity
added to them ,producing a clever after-dinner speaker and a mimic.
Pointed tips idealize everything and make them visionary and impractical.
When the third phalanx is longest, with conic finger tips, they will be fond
of color and form, but with no taste for higher art.
With square tips they will desire to be rich, and when
so will make a show of their wealth.
With spatulate tips they will be fond of games, and will be skilful in them
and full of dash.
Finger shape
Knotty finger will check some of their enthusiasm and spontaneity, and are not
common to the type. They are not given to analyzing, their mental processes
are quicker and more intuitive. Knotty fingers are really a defect, for they
make them operate in a manner which is not best for them. Smooth fingers are
their natural kind, for artistic feeling, impulsive ways, and great intuition
are the main sources of the Apollonian strength. Note the phalanges and see
if knotty or smooth-finger qualities are to rule in the world best developed.
Long fingers show that minutiae and detail will be strong with the subject.
If they are an artist, they will give every detail of the scene they are painting.
If portrait painter, they will reproduce every button, every hair, and every
eyelash. If a sculptor, nothing will escape them. If an author, they will describe
minutely every character and incident. In business they will be accurate, but
more careful than usual for the type; will be a good accountant and office man.
Short fingers will make them quick as a flash. They will have added to to their
already intuitive nature the short-fingered quickness of though and action,
and it will be surprising how quickly they make a decision. Their first impressions
are their best. they are in danger of "plunging," however especially
if the Apollo finger be nearly the length of Saturn. The short-fingered Apollonian
is always a strong factor ins speculation or at the gaming table. the thumb
will tell whether strong determination is present to bring out the best side
of the type. A large thumb will strengthen the character, and the subject will
be more of a "doer" than they would be with a short thumb. the small
thumb takes away much of the practical, and leaves the artistic in full sway,
both without the will-power necessary to develop it. the short-thumbed Apollonians
are geniuses, but never accomplish much. The length of the will phalanx shows
the strength of this element, and its shape tells whether the will is coarse,
refined, tactful, nervous, or brutal. The second phalanx will show whether good
reasoning powers are present, and, by its length, whether there is a balance
with the will phalanx greater strength or deficiency. You will thus know whether
the subject is rules by will or reason. A strong second phalanx of the thumb
will be a fine addition to any Apollonian, as it adds to their character caution
and prudence, which they often sadly need. A good, clear Head line is necessary
to achieve the best results, adding self-control, judgment, and a clear brain.
There are many people who have much Apollonian quality in them, but pure specimens of the type are rare. The Apollonian leaven that is mixes with humanity does much to brighten life, and is a constant benefit, not only to the subjects themselves, but to all around them who share in and enjoy their cheerful moods and charming manners.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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