of Mars
The Warriors
UPPER = Resistance
PLAIN = Temper
LOWER = Aggression
The fifth Mount type is the Martian, and the portions of the hand which identify them are the two Mounts of Mars, the Upper Mount located on the percussion and above the Line of Head, and the Lower Mount under the Line of life and above the Mount of Venus. There is also the Plain of Mars, located in the center of the palm, which bears some relation to the Martian type. For the exact boundaries of these Martian developments consult the map of the Mounts, shown, and note carefully that on the map the lower boundary of Lower Mars is the word "aggression," and all under that word belongs to the Mount of Venus.
Mount of Mars- As single signs or in combination the star, triangle,
circle, single vertical line, trident and square, strengthen the Upper Mount
of Mars. The cross-bar, cross island, dot or grille, show defects of the Mount,
either of health or character. Nails, color, etc, will determine which.
Plain of Mars -All cross lines stars,
crosses or grilles in the Plain of Mars, increase the inflammability and temper
of the subject.
Lower Mars- Signs on the Lower Mount of Mars must be read on
the influence lines inside of the Life line (113).
In the earlier history of Palmistry the Plain of Mars was considered
to be the principal part of the Martian development. The Upper mount was afterwards
located and found to be a strong factor, and in later years the Mount of Venus
was subdivided so as to give the upper portion to what is now called the Lower
Mount of Mars because it is below the Line of Life. Any attempt to
use only one these Martian developments to the exclusion of the other, will
lead to error, and it is only be the combined use of the two Mounts and the
Plain of Mars that you will be able properly to estimate the Martian, a type
constantly encountered in very pure development, and which you will find in
combination with most of the other types. In gaining the material for this chapter
I have taken the most pronounced Martians, and alongside of them, subjects who
have been entirely deficient in Martian development, and from these pronounced
cases, several thousand in number. I have tabulated what I believe to be an
accurate and trustworthy system of handling the type. This statement is make
here because there has been of late such a diversity of opinion on the subject
even among the very best students, that I feel sure all will welcome an elucidation
of the Martian question based upon an experience covering many thousand verifications
from among the best known martians in the world. This type embodies the elements
of aggression and resistance, and the Martian is consequently a fighter. Do
no by any means infer that the Martian always fights with the sword and pistol,
or engages in fistic combats, for they are more often found fighting their way
against adverse elements and circumstances in the mental or business
world. It must not be understood that all Martians will be soldiers (though
all true Martians would quickly enlist to fight for a beloved country), they
may be connected, and will more stoutly resist the efforts of those who seek
to force them, than will the other types. Thus wherever they are found, Martians
are those who fight, and the Martian disposition is an aggressive one. In almost
all hands we find some Martian development. If we fail to find it, the subject
is easily discouraged and overcome in the struggle for existence. The Martian
qualities of aggression or resistance are necessary to the completion of any
character, for without them the subject will be run over and trampled under
foot, and no matter how brilliant or talented they may be, without the Martian
fighting qualities, their brilliancy will never be brought before the eyes of
the world. There are two kinds of fighters: those who are the aggressors and
force the issue, and those who act in self defense or resist the pressure brought
to bear upon them.
separation of Martian qualities is shown in the upper Mount of Mars, which indicates
resistance (114), and the Lower Mount of Mars, which shows aggressive
spirit (115).
Often you find one of these Mounts largely developed and the other small, in which case the subject will have either great aggression, or great resistance, according as it is the Lower or the Upper Mount which is the larger. Often you find both Mounts very largely developed. In this case you have a large supply of both aggression and resistance, and the subject will push themselves forward with great persistence, and will also resist vigorously the attempt of anyone to impose upon them.
These subject with both Mounts large, simply shove themselves over every obstacle and stubbornly resist any attempt to force them down. They never know when they are beaten, and permit no one to think that defeat is a possibility with them. The strong double Mount is a most advanced Martian development, and when seen, the subject must be classed as a Martian at once. This type is unmistakable. The Plain of Mars, if largely developed, or if much crossed by fine or red lines, will show sudden temper to be present. This development with the other two Mount large will make a dangerous combination, for it will add inflammability to the already great aggression and resistance.
of Mounts
To the Plain of Mars used to be attributed the aggressive qualities which we
now ascribe to the Lower Mount of Mars, for it was observed by the old palmists
that sudden tempers which were present with a strong Plain of Mars made the
subject flare up and become very aggressive. But this temper soon dies, and
it has been observed that there is a vast difference between one who steadily
and coolly pushes their way over all opposition, and one who simply
gets mad and for the time being makes "Rome howl." The ancients
fully appreciated the value in human success of this aggressive quality which
would force men to overcome opposition at any cost, and when they put forth
the rule that "A hollow palm indicates misery, loss of money, and failure
in all enterprises," it was because they thought that the hollow palm shows
lack of aggression and that its absence would produce these results. In this
case the hollow palm did not locate the seat of aggression, and its absence
only showed a lack of temper, which had been confused with real aggression;
so the hollow palm is now shorn of its terrors, and is to be found in the hands
of very successful people. The absence of the Lower Mount of Mars (116) is much
more likely to produce the resulting failure attributed by older palmists to
a hollow palm, for without the Lower Mount developed, a subject will allow someone
much inferior in attainments to push past them by the sheer force of aggression.
The three subdivisions of the Martian are resistance- Upper Mars, aggression- Lower Mars, and temper- Plain of Mars. The martian according to this division becomes a three-sided subject and you will have no trouble in estimating them properly if you carefully not which formation they have, and in what degree of development.
When the upper Mount of Mars is developed so as to make a curve outwardly
at the percussion of the hand (see 114), it is a strong Mount; when, in addition,
it is so full that it forms a perceptible pad on the inside of the
palm, it is unusually strong. When the side of the hand at the percussion is
straight, or with a depression where the Mount ought to be, the qualities of
the Mount are absent (117). This absence of Martian development is to be noted
carefully, for dire results often follow such a deficiency.
The Upper Mount of Mars gives to a subject the power of resistance, that is,
under all circumstances they are cool, collected, do not get discouraged if
things go against them. They do not give up fighting even when the chances seem
slim, and possibility of defeat. This power of resistance, this faculty of never
giving up, often makes the Martian successful over all obstacles. When, on the
contrary, this Upper Mount is absent, and the side of the hand flat or hollow,
you know that the subject is easily discouraged, gives up quickly when hard
pressed, and lacks resistance.
In moments of danger they become excited, and when knocked down they do
not rise, for they think that it is no use to try any more. Thus you can
see what a wonderful power this Upper Mount gives through this faculty of resisting,
and what a loss the lack of it is. In the reading of every hand it must be thoroughly
taken into account, for even dull or ordinary persons will push themselves through
the world if they do not get discouraged. This deficient Mount is found on the
hand of almost all suicides. The subject with only the upper Mount developed
will not force the fighting, will not hunt strife, but will be content to resist
opposition, and to over come oppression when it appears.
The Lower Mount of Mars (see 115) will show the subject who pushes his plans
to the fullest extent, does not stop to consider other people, but with "hammer
and tongs", if necessary, forces themselves over and through all opposition.
They seek strife, love it and are always the pusher who is full of aggression.
Note this point carefully, if you find a hand with the Lower Mount
strong and the Upper one lacking, the subject will be a great bluffer, but not
having resistance will back down easily if pressed. Having fixed the distinction
between aggression, resistance, and temper, we will
consider the typical Martian, and judge them as being the aggressor, the resister
or a combination of both, according as the respective Mounts are developed.
The Martian is of medium height, very strongly built, muscular
looking, carries themselves erect, shoulders back and has the appearance of
one ever ready to defend themselves. Their head is small, bullet shaped, with
an unusually large development at the base of the brain. The back of the neck
is broad and, in a pronounced specimen, developed much above the average. The
face is round, the skin thick and strong, red in color, and often presenting
a mottled appearance. The hair is short, stiff, sometimes curly and of an auburn
or red color. The beard is short and harsh. The eyes are large and bold looking,
with a bright expression, dark in color, and with the whites often bloodshot,
showing the great strength of his blood supply. The mouth is large and firm,
the lips within with the under one slightly the thicker. The teeth are small,
regular, strong, and yellowish in color. The brows grow thick, straight, and
low over the eyes, giving often the appearance of a scowl. The nose is long,
straight, or of the Roman type, the chin firm and strong, often turning up slightly
at the end. The ears are small and set close to the head, the red color of the
skin being quite prominent around them, this red often turning to a purple,
congested appearance with strongly marked subjects. The neck is short and thick,
connecting the head with a finely developed pair of shoulders, broad and muscular,
with large muscles running down the back and a big expansive chest. In this
chest is a pair of large, strong lungs which send forth a big commanding voice
full of resonance and power. The legs are short but stout and muscular, the
bones of the body are big and strong, the feet are broad and the instep inclined
to be flat, making the subject walk in a proud, determined manner. Altogether
they show themselves one well able to force their way through the world, mentally
if they can, physically if they must. The Martian by their very appearance shows
their true character, full of fight, either oppressively or in self-defence,
mentally or physically, a strong, robust constitution, and one ardent in all
things. The Martian is first of all brave, to them the conflict brings no thought
of danger. Consequently the Martian makes an excellent soldier. If an army could
be marshalled which should be composed of typical Martians, there would be no
such thing as defeat possible to them, it would be victory or death. The Martian
has also robust health, consequently is naturally energetic, and with good health
is not so likely to have their vital forces sapped by inertia. This gives them
an added power, which pushes forward their aggressive side and makes them able
more readily to resist discouragements. As a soldier it also makes him able
to endure the fatigue of any campaign, and to push forward by rapid marches
to seek and smite their opponent. Their vigorous constitution fills them with
the desire to accomplish whatever they set out to do, and their energy makes
them put forward the utmost effort to gain success. They are exceedingly generous
in the use of their money, caring for wealth only for what it will buy for them.
They are one who loves to have friends and admirers, and generally succeeds
in gaining them. They are exceedingly devoted to these friends and will fight
for them, as well as spend their money freely with them and in their behalf.
They are not always refined and delicate in their ways, but is often brusque
and lacking in tact. They are well, meaning however, and while they sometimes
accomplishes their purposes in a vigorous manner, their typical characteristics
must be taken into account and you must not expect them to be always a Chesterfield.
They are determined, and the stronger the type the more this is accentuated.
Do not think you can oppose a Martian with impunity, and be sure that if you
do oppose them there will be a fight on your hands. The Martian can be reasoned
with and coaxed, but never driven, and they are exceedingly amorous. Their strong
blood current and big muscular development speak of an exuberance of health,
and fill them with the fire of passion, and the opposite sex becomes very attractive.
When they fall in love it is with all the intensity of their strong nature,
and they simply proceed to storm the heart of their charmer, as they do the
works of an enemy, and this Marian fire and dash so astound the object of their
love that they is apt to surrender to the assault. No sickly sentimentality
takes part in their wooing, it is audacity and vigor from start to finish. The
Martian is domineering, especially if the Lower Mount is developed. Remember
opposition rouses all of their fighting qualities, and this is their strong
side; so all other types do well to mollify them, leading them by tact and diplomacy,
rather than trying to force them. The Martian is a heavy eater. It takes plenty
of fuel to feed the fires of his strong body, so it takes a great deal of food
and the heartiest kind at that. They want plenty of rare beef, potatoes, eggs,
cabbage, turnips, and all of the more solid kinds of food. Salads and dainties
that attract the epicurean taste do not suffice for them. They are very fond
of games that require physical strength and power. Wrestling, boxing, football,
baseball, and all kindred sports strongly appeal to them. The rougher the sport
and the greater the strife, the better they like it, and the better they succeed.
They have a big nature, they are not narrow in their view, and in all games
or sports they want absolute fairness to rule and the best man to win. They
are primarily an active type, so those things which are accomplished by daring
and energy seem to them the real things. The student and the philosopher appear
to them small and insignificant. The achievements accomplished before the eyes
of the world are what appeal to them. The Martian is found in every walk in
life. Their strong characteristics are daily felt in the mental world, the business
the army, the church, the state- everywhere. They must be put into occupations
and surroundings where they can work off their surplus energy either in pushing
their affairs or fighting in the field. To put a Martian where they must be
under restraint would be like stopping the safety-valve on a boiler and crowding
on steam. Outdoor active occupations best suit them, and one confined to office
routine should have a gymnasium near at hand. Wherever they may be, in whatever
walk in life, they are always the same ardent, strong subject, proud to a degree,
fond of show, imposing figure and the hero of the masses who bow down to their
superior strength and daring. As a painter the Martian will choose battle scenes,
hunting scenes, or games of sport. As a reader they choose tales of war or strife,
and never tire of the heroes who have come down through the traditions of the
ages. As a musician he loves music full of fire and pronounced rhythm, and not
the plaintive love song. A brass band most strongly appeals to him. As a speaker
he deals in strong sentences, and loves to tell of battles and physical prowess.
In everything they are the same, and Martian ideas tinge their horizon with
their ardent strength.
Bad Martian
The Martian has a bad side, which becomes so, not from the fact that they are
inherently a criminal, but from the intensity and ardor of their nature. In
order that a Martian may develop their best side, it is essential that they
be refined in every way possible.
Everything that tends to coarsen makes them more brutal,
and with their strong tendencies, brutality makes them bad. On his bad side
they become lascivious, a drunkard, and, as the worst development, a murderer;
and this common type is not al all hard to distinguish. The hand is hard, stiff,
skin coarse, color very red, capillaries big and coarse, finger short, with
the third phalanges thick, nails short and brittle, and the Mounts of Mars very
large. The Plain of Mars will be either high or badly crossed. In some cases
a large single cross is seen in the Plain of Mars indicating uncontrollable
temper. On this hand you will find a big first phalanx of the thumb, often the
clubbed formation, and quite frequently the spatulate thumb. This Martian will
be short in stature, the face very red, eyes blood-shot, the skin spotted and
with a purplish tinge, mouth twisted, hair a dirty red, and ears long. Such
a Martian is the kind who lives only to gratify their low passions, and to them
there is nothing but brutality. When they are crossed in love they murder, and
either by using an axe, a club, or a knife-even the act of murder they brutalizes
as much as possible. When they steal it is to gratify their passions, so while
they are are bad it is the wickedness of animalism.
They do not steal because they are a thief and the act of stealing is a pleasure
to them, but merely because they want to use the proceeds of their felony to
appease their appetites. Surround a crooked Mercurian with everything they want,
and they will steal because they love to. Give a bad Martian all they want to
eat and drink and they will not steal.
The Martian is always predisposed to marry. They make a devoted partner, though
an ardent one, and is particular to choose a good-looking spouse. The Venusians
please the Martian men best, as they want a purely feminine type as a wife and
possesses enough masculinity for the whole family.
The health difficulties of the Martian are a predisposition to fevers, blood
disorders owing to the richness and abundance of his blood supply, throat trouble,
bronchitis, laryngitis, and kindred difficulties with the bronchial tubes. These
troubles are shown by grilles or cross-bars on the Upper Mount of Mars, emphasized
by color, nails, and other health indications. Health difficulties are not shown
on the Lower Mount. Health difficulties marked on the lower third of the upper
Mount of Mars and the upper third of the Mount of the Moon indicate intestinal
troubles even going as far as tuberculosis of the intestines. This I have many
times confirmed.
Influences from Qualities of
the Hand
The various
qualities of the hand play their part with this type as with all the others.
The texture of he skin is important for the reason that refinement elevates
the Martian. If you find fine texture of the skin, you know that coarseness
and brutality are not so likely, and that while the subject will be intense
they will be more delicate in their methods than if they are unrefined. Very
fine texture is not common to the Martian, although it is found. I once saw
a typical Martian with very fine textured skin and found that they were a minister
and very intellectual; another Martian with the same fineness I found to be
a celebrated wrestler, very cool and levelheaded, and not at all brutal (118).
The medium texture is often found on the Martian men who moves in good society,
and it shows them to be a thoroughly manly man. With this texture is most often
found the Upper Mount leading and only a moderate Lower Mount. This combination
shows the power of intellectual and refined resistance under discouragement,
with just enough aggression to keep up the necessary balance.
Coarse texture will, by taking away refinement, make a loud and disagreeable
subject, so intense that their society is not sought.
Flexibility of the hand will show the elastic
mind back of Martian qualities. A very flexible hand will refine and elevate
the mentality of the type, and make the subject more versatile. It will also
make them less intense, not likely to be disagreeable, but more apt to fly to
extremes, especially of temper. Great flexibility is not often found with this
type for while they are clever they do not think as quickly as other types.
The medium flexibility is often seen and shows a balance between the elastic
mind and its opposite. This subject is calm, clear-headed, evenly balanced,
and not so likely to fly into a temper, especially if the Upper Mount is strong.
If the lower Mount is large they have greater aggression. The stiff hand will
make them dense and inelastic in mind, and being naturally slow, they become
with this stiff hand very set in their ways. The stiff hand will be found on
an obstinate, unintelligent, quarrelsome subject.
The consistency of the hand will show you whether the Martian fighting qualities
will be put into operation, or remain inoperative. The flabby hand will show
that sheer laziness is present, and while the subject may flare up under some
passing excitement, the energy is merely temporary. With the Lower Mount strong
they will be a very aggressive talker, but will push their way spasmodically.
Flabby consistency is not often found with Martian hands. Soft hands show that
inertia is present, but that it may be overcome by determination.
Elastic hands show the best consistency for a Martian, for they will have intelligent
energy back of them and will only push their strong qualities with reasonable
limits. They will never be lazy, is a thoroughly masculine subject, and will
have developed on of the Martian's best qualities, energy.
Hard hands will coarsen the lower the type. The hard brain indicated by the
hard hand cannot adapt itself to new conditions, and gets into ruts. This consistency
makes a terrible fellow of a subject with the Lower Mount developed, as it adds
intense energy to aggression, which is a most formidable combination.
Color in the hands is important.Rede is the normal color
in a strong specimen. This shows rich blood, the strong heart, and the greatest
amount of vitality. If it is very pronounced it is dangerous, for it will make
the subject so intense that they know no bounds. As a sensualist they will be
extreme and if they belong to the bad type they will commit any excess, and
even crime to further their ends. These are the people who murder from jealousy.
Pink color tones down these qualities, and reduces the danger greatly. The normal
strength of the pink color will not lead to physical excesses, nor to the inflammable
temper shown by red color. The subject will be milder, less likely to fight,
more evenly balanced, and in every way a better Martian.
White color with this type is abnormal. When found the Martian is much reduced
in strength. Even a strong Mount will be diminished in its operation by white
color. Coldness is the opposite of the red qualities, and these belong typically
to the Martian. when white color is found it indicates such a reduction of the
blood current that is must come from ill health. In this case tone down your
estimate of the degree of intensity of the subject. Do not give them even the
full measure of resistance or aggression that the size of their Mounts would
seem to justify.
Yellow color is sometimes found and tells of the crossness, the nervousness,
the fits of blues that come from excess of bile. This will make a strong specimen
of the type very mean, and from this bilious combination alone do we get the
really criminal Martian. With a strong Lower Mount, a high or rayed Plain of
Mars, the bilious subject will be a quarrelsome person, one always declaring
themselves to by misused and abused by the world. With the Martian's rich blood
supply and strong heart, if the blood current becomes poisoned with bile it
will make them vicious.
The nails must be closely examined. The broad nail of a strong constitution
is expected, and will be most often found. The narrow nail is not common, and
tells of a more delicate person.
Short, critical nails will add materially to the fighting qualities, and if
very short make the subject pugnacious in the extreme. With a large Lower Mount
and very short nails you have a person who fights everybody and all the time.
they cannot keep away from strife, and is either in it themselves or has everybody
around them fighting. Color must be observed in the nails; red, pink, white,
yellow, and blue each telling the story of color qualities present. The nails
must be examined for health to see if fluted or brittle, which formations make
the subject a nervous Martian, and pretty hard to get along with. With this
type look for the nail showing throat and bronchial delicacy, for these are
difficulties which beset the Martian. When these nails are seen on this type
it means danger, and must be used to warn the subject against cold and exposure
from carelessness (Nails).
The hair on the hands will be most often red, auburn, or blond. In all of these
colors judge the degree of strength added to the type by the depth of color.
Red hair will make an inflammable subject, liable to sudden violent temper,
and one who will lose control of themselves under excitement. If the Lower Mount
be strong, red hair will be as bad as short nails, and if both these should
be found, then it will be absolutely no use trying to get along with this subject.
Auburn color decreases the intensity and makes the subject less likely to "fly
off the handle."
Blond hair will again reduce the ardor of the type and make it more phlegmatic,
calm, and less excitable. Blond hair reduces the intensity of Martian qualities
more than any other color, while black shows the vivacity and spontaneity of
its qualities, and to a degree lights up the Martian fires in a subject.
The hand as a whole
The hand as a whole will tell you of the mental, practical, or baser worlds
which rule the subject. This observation of the whole hand is important with
the Martian, for the reason that this is the first Mount type which has not
a finger to guide us. the head line, together with the length of fingers and
the general balance of the hands, must be used in connection with the individual
phalanges of all four fingers.
If the hand as a whole shows the mental world to rule, you will find that the
first phalanx of the four fingers will correspond. Then note the Head line to
see whether it is clear, well marked, and colored, and by this combination class
your subject as a Martian rules by the mental world. They will then develop
their peculiar traits in the world of mind, and will be good as a lawyer, minister,
debater, politician, and in kindred occupations.
If the middle portion of the hand is best developed, it will show that the practical
world is strong, and the subject will be a Martian business man, full of fight,
push, and energy, not subject to discouragement, and consequently not likely
to give up when hard pressed. These subjects are most successful in the business
world, and more pronouncedly so if they are refined.
If the lower third of the hand be best developed, then the animal desires, already
strong in the subject, will take their lowest form and they will become vulgar
in the extreme. Such an one commits crime to gratify their appetites. They may
be successful in business, but they will be low in their tastes.
Note the secondary Mounts, and which side of them is best developed, for this will tell what forces are behind the subject to drive their already strong qualities into action. These matters consider from the other Mounts, and the phalanges of the individual fingers.
Finger tips
Pointed finger-tips with
this type will tell you that the idealism will rule, in which case your Martian
will be much less practical and reliable, and apt to rush into ill-conceived
ventures. Pointed tips are, however, not often found on strong Martians.
Conic tips are often found, for the Martian is fond of beauty and of artistic
things. They like dress and home decorations, and notwithstanding their strong
nature there is a tinge of conic quality often found.
Square tips are frequent, for the martian is eminently practical. if they be
a soldier these tips will show common-sense, and t heir commissary department
will be well equipped. In any vocation square tips will make him practical,
and even if they have great aggression they will use and guide it sensibly.
Spatulate tips will give great activity, and everything that adds this to a
Martian puts them in danger of excess. Link great aggression (Lower Mars) and
great activity (spatulate tips) with the other quality of these tips, originality,
and you have an active and aggressive fellow who is hunting original ways to
expend their force. They are trying new ways to do old things and becomes a
person that wears out every-body around them. Spatulate tips will make the Martian
a great explorer, a brilliant and forceful general, and a successful business
man, if a good clear Head line is present to give self-control and good
Knotty fingers will show that reason and analysis will guide the subject. If
only the first knots are developed they will be unusually intelligent, the mind
will be well ordered, and their information systematized.
If the second knot is developed they will be neat in their dress, tidy in their
surroundings, and in whatever vacation they are found you may be sure they will
be regular and methodical, especially so if the fingers be square throughout
their length.
If both knots be developed it will make them an analyzer who does nothing from
impulse, but reasons always.
Smooth fingers will add to their love of beauty, and make them impulsive and
quick. They will not stop to reason out everything, but will rely on first impressions
and their intuitions. They will be fond of dress, of flowers, paintings that
depict war scenes, and will love stirring music. Smooth fingers are a danger
to this type, for, already very spontaneous, they need only thoughtlessness
to make them wild, so in a subject who has smooth fingers and a strong Martian
development, see if a clear Head line is present to give self-control. it is
a good thing to find knotty fingers on a Martian as they make them careful,
but you find more subject will smooth fingers, as the type is naturally impulsive.
Long fingers will show that the subject is fond of minutiae and detail. If they
be a soldier they will plan their campaigns with the utmost care, they will
look after the equipment of his men, and will see that they are amply provided
with proper food. Not ad detail that can add to the efficiency of the service
will be overlooked. They will be neat in their dress and require their soldiers
to keep their equipments constantly bright; they will be suspicious of those
with whom they deal and does not implicitly trust anyone, therefore they
themselves see that their instructions are carried out. The long-fingered
Martian becomes a slower subject, one not moved to act under impulse, and who
does not make rapid and impetuous dashes, but proceeds always with care and
caution. Their aggressiveness will not be so strong, for they will be particular
that all the little things are attended to,a nd will thus lose part of the pushing
qualities contributed by a strong Lower Mount, which does not generally stop
to consider minutiae.
Short fingers make the Martian a fiery, impetuous subject, who dashes ahead
without stopping to consider where they will come out, and with the short-fingered
quickness in both thought and action they rush pell-mell through the world wither
achieving great success or constantly committing blunders. With a big Lower
Mount and very short fingers, they will see only the object they wish to reach,
and not the things which stand between. Impulse and quick thought are their
guides, and a very aggressive person who is also thoughtless and careless of
the feelings of others can do endless damage. The dash and push of such ad martian
strike terror to the more timid brethren, and thus they accomplish their ends
by very audacity. But their is always the danger that an opponent may be cool,
calculating, and strong,and this combination can resist a daring charge and
bring to grief the short-fingered Martian.
The thumb will show what determination is back of the Martian. If they be a
refined type, we need a refined thumb, which will make them rely more on tact
than on brute force. There is generally found the thumb which shows muscular
strength and robust energy. You do not often find the delicate, refined thumb,
but will often see a broad first phalanx, or a paddle-shaped phalanx, with a
waist-like second phalanx. These will be seen on high-grade Martians and will
show great determination, coupled with tactful reasoning qualities, which will
reduce the brutality of a bit Lower Mount, but will not lessen the aggression,
for it will operation with just as great strength of will, but governed by good
reasoning power and tact. Big long thumbs will give strength to the subject;
small thumbs will make them sputter and "bluff," but they will back
down if vigorously attacked.
Pointed thumbs make the subject impressionably and weaken the type materially.
Even a strong Lower Mount will be spoiled by a pointed thumb. Square or spatulate
tips to the thumb give great common-sense, or great activity and originality
to the will. They produce most determined subjects, and add great strength to
the type. These subjects must always be coaxed; they can never be driven. The
clubbed thumb belongs to the brutal Martian hand. Denominated the "murderer's
thumb," and showing the brutal obstinacy that will kill from blind fury,
we see that it is on the fighting type this thumb properly belongs. Always feel
that the clubbed thumb on a strongly Martian hand, hard and red, with short
fingers and short first phalanges will make the subject likely to give way to
the first sudden fury that may seize them. Clubbed thumbs are found on all kinds
of hands, telling their story of obstinacy and strong tendency to brutality,
either hereditary or acquired, but in the Martian type they reach the highest
danger-point, and must be given the most careful consideration. The head line,
by its clearness, straightness, and even color, will be a great factor with
the Martian type. With a subject who is likely to be inflammable, there is great
need of self-control and good judgment. These qualities are abundantly supplied
by a good Head line, and in the final summing up of your Martian type this test
must be applied to see if they are present, and if in such degree that their
full benefit will be assured.
In handling this strong type always remember that they are a fighter, that they
may fight physically or mentally, and that you must distinguish between aggression
and resistance. With these ideas in mind, and the material in their hand to
judge by, apply all the tests to them, in order to determine the degree of their
Martian development and the forces back of them that will either add to or take
away from their strength. After a careful study of this chapter I am sure no
mistakes will be make with the Martian type.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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