Line of Mercury
line of Mercury has been variously called the line of Health, the line of Liver,
and the Hepatica. It should start on the Mount of Moon, from which it takes
its name (478).
This line is valuable as an indicator of the state of the digestive apparatus,
the operation of the liver, and it also shows the presence of various maladies
and conditions which may arise from the impairment of these most important functions.
Bad conditions seen in other parts of the hand can often be referred to a poor
Mercury line for explanation, and some of the most accurate work possible in
the entire range of hand-reading can be done with the aid of the Mercury line.
In connection with the lines of Life, Saturn, and Apollo, it is an important
adjunct, and in all combinations any indication seen on the Mercury line should
be given great weight When we remember what an important part in the human economy
is played by the digestive apparatus and by the proper secretion and discharge
of bile, we see that the line of Mercury has influence upon many parts of our
lives, and that is is an ever-present factor in our success or failure. Physicians
say that with a good digestion and a normal flow of bile, disease would be unknown
to the human race. In a large percentage of illnesses, without doubt the correction
of derangement of the digestive apparatus and a control of the bile supply cures
the patient. It is also a fact that the bilious types are the only ones which
are really criminal, other types doing bad thing under a stress of some exciting
cause. Bad types of Saturnians and Mercurians prefer the criminal way of doing
things to the honest one. All through the study of human nature and character,
we see the ill effect and plague of bile when not properly regulated. The Mercury
line is exceedingly useful as a guide to business success, as no factor more
surely enables one to cope with the affairs of the world than a clear brain,
and nothing more surely keeps the brain from clogging than a good digestion
and an active liver. Added to good health, no set of qualities will more surely
aid in obtaining the best results from business than those peculiar to the mercurian
type. As the Mercury line indicates both the condition of the digestive organs
and the state of the liver, and accents the strength of the Mercurian type,
it is manifestly of unusual assistance when estimating the outcome of a business
The Mercury line in its relation to health must always be used in connection with the type of the subject. If we see indigestion or biliousness in the hand of a Jupiterian subject, a type naturally predisposed to overeating, we consider that to them it means an increased danger. And as certain disorders of the stomach cause vertigo, we know that if the case be very pronounced the subject is likely to be stricken with one of their type diseases, apoplexy. In a similar manner, the Mercury line will aid in estimating the degree of danger indicated by health defects of all the types. In connection with defects in the Head line, the Mercury line is a valuable assistant, for it is well known that the stomach and liver largely influence the condition of the physical brain. Functional disturbances of the heart are also brought on by indigestion, consequently a defective Heart line may find its disturbing cause indicated in the Mercury line. Poor health may wreck a brilliant career, and the Mercury line may explain defects seen in the Saturn of Apollo lines. All over the hand the influence of the defects it indicates may be felt and in any perplexing case do not forget to examine the Mercury line before completing the estimate.
The Mercury line will not be found in all hands. Without being
able to state the exact percentage, I should say that at least one half the
hands will be without it. In a few cases it is a perfectly marked line, and
this is not hard to explain, when perfect health is the possession of so few.
I do not regard the absence of the Mercury line as necessarily a detriment,
for on many hands which I have examined while making a study of this line, the
health of those who have no line was found to be uniformly good. If there is
to be a choice between no line or a defective one, it is preferable that none
be seen. The absence of the Saturn line leaves a subject free to carve their
way through the world, and in a similar manner the absence of the Mercury line
shows that in its health directions there are not disturbances which must cause
a subject trouble, and if they take care of their stomach and liver they have
open the them the possibility of no trouble from these organs. Their health
in these direction will be largely "self made," and proportionate
to the care they take of themselves. One other condition is generally present
when the Mercury line is absent: the hand is not usually much lines and rayed,
for if it were, a Mercury line would surely be present. Such a hand, having
few lines, is consequently less nervous, and as nervousness greatly increases
the improper action of the liver, a lack of nervousness increases the subject's
favorable condition. In making the final estimate for a subject, consider that,
with the Mercury line absent they have to face at least no inevitable disease
of digestion, and no disorder of the liver they they cannot control by caring
for themselves.
Mercury line should rise from the Mount of Moon, but in practice it
rarely does. In the largest number of cases it rises toward the Saturn of Life
line, and from the center or base of the hand, often in the Plain of Mars. It
is much better that the line should rise between the Saturn line and the percussion
(479) than between the Saturn line and the Life line (480); rising from the
Life line (481) is one of the most unfavorable marking. To give the most favorable
health indications, as well as the best promise of business success, the Mercury
line should at no time touch the Life line, but branches from the Life line
may go to it, or vice versa, or chance lines may connect the two, without bad
results. The source of the Mercury line, outside of its unfavorable connection
with the Life line, has not special meaning. Unless it rises from or touches
the Life line it may be considered a normal line.
The character of the line is important. A deep line of Mercury indicates a good
digestion, a healthy action of the liver, good vitality, strong constitution,
a clear brain, and good memory. whatever the type of your subject or whatever
their occupation, they will have the assistance of these powerful allies.
- If the Life
line be thin, chained, or otherwise defective, and the Mercury line deep and
strong (482), its effect upon the Life line will be fully as favorable as a
strong line of mars, to build up and strengthen whatever delicacy exists; and
such a Mercury line will many time replace the functions of the Life line. This
will often account for the health of a person with a defective Life line.
There are no more potent factors in the healthy and vigorous operation of the brain than a good digestion and the proper action of the bile secretion. The first effect of dyspepsia is to produce intense depression. The subject becomes morbid, and sees everything through a glass colored by a disordered stomach. When the attack of dyspepsia has passed, their brain clears up and they see things in their proper light. Thus the Mercury line will be invaluable in conjunction with the Head line in estimating mental strength and balance. A good head line will be much disturbed by a poor Mercury line (483), and a defective condition of the head may be accounted for by a bad Mercury line (484).
Disturbed action of the stomach sometimes produces functional
derangement of the heart, and a poor Heart line with defective Mercury line
will often entirely account for a condition of so-called chronic heart disease
(485). In such
a case, if the medical treatment be directed toward the stomach, the heart disease
will pass away. In the case of a poor Heart line indicating structural difficulty
of the organ, with the nails having the formation peculiar to this disorder,
and all indications of color pointing to a serious case of heart disease, a
deep line of Mercury often indicates such excellent digestion and liver action
that the effects of the weak heart may never be markedly exhibited. On a hand
having strong Life, Head, and Heart line, and a line of Mars, a deep line of
Mercury will indicate a subject who will virtually never know a day's sickness.
If such a combination be seen on a hand which is animal in its Chirognomic aspect,
the intense good health and strength of vitality will render the subject fierce
in their passions, inordinate in their appetites, and from this class often
come rapists and drunkards. They need fresh air and plenty of exercise to work
of the animal vitality. if with this combination there be the addition of red
hair, the indications of great excesses will be intensified, and quick, fiery
temper will be added. Black hair shows an abundance of volatile qualities and
needs no addition from red. If the Mercury line be thin it shows that the subject
may still have good digestion, proper action of the liver, and that their health
and Mercurian attributes will act in conjunction to produce success in business.
The mere thinness of Mercury line does not lessen its influence, for it shows
that the subject is receiving support form the good operation of the liver,
though not in such a degree as with a deep line.
If the type of the subject be refined, and shows good but not excessive vitality,
the thin line is better for them. In all estimates of the Mercury line, the
proportion of the lines must be kept in mind, for here as everywhere else the
normal balance is best.
A broad, shallow Mercury line (486) shows that the subject in not vitally strong,
and any severe tax upon their stomach will result in its derangement. The liver
is unsteady in its operation and secretes its bile in unequal quantities. As
a consequence the subject is frequently despondent, is predisposed to sudden
and violent headache, heartburn, sour stomach, and dyspepsia. During the intervals
when the functions are properly performed, the subject gets along all right,
but with such a Mercury line, constant care is necessary as to diet and hygiene,
for while such subject cannot be said to be sickly, they are not over healthy,
and this weakened condition of vitality tells upon the energies, the ambitions,
and the business life.
A chained line of Mercury (487) indicates a positive condition of diseased liver
and stomach. This must not be confounded with islands in the line, but the chained
must be short loops. With this marking the subject will be predisposed to inflammation
of the gall duct, gall stones, cirrhosis, and numerous structural liver troubles
which are always serous and often fatal. The chained line is one of the worst
formations, and the subject who has it suffers intensely, not only from the
diseased condition of the liver, but from the consequent mental torpor and depression.
They are pessimistic, suspicious, intensely nervous, cross, and life is a burden
both to themselves and to their friends. Manifestly such a subject cannot have
a clear brain, keen foresight, command of self, energy, and kindred qualities
necessary to the successful pursuit of business, consequently the chained line
of Mercury was read by the old palmists, "poor success in business."
From our standpoint it can be seen why such a reading was taken, and that it
is correct.
The length of the Mercury line adds to the power of the line and its usefulness.
- If the line be long, running from the base of the hand to the Mount of Mercury,
its influence will be felt during the subject's entire life.
- If the ling line be also a good one its influence means good health and success
during the entire life.
- If the ling line be a defective one, it will indicate ill health and attendant
indifferent business success during the entire life. By the length of the line
and its character during the different period of life, you can tell what years
will be blessed with the greatest strength, best action of the liver, good digestion,
and consequently the most productive periods in a business way.
- If the line
starts deep, then grows thin, and then is deep again (488), there is a period
covered by the thinness of the line when the health is impaired, and at such
a time the subject must use great care, take much sleep, and avoid dissipation.
If this be done, with the good ending of the line, trouble may be avoided.
If (reading, of course, from its source upward) the line beings deep and grows
chained (489) the good health of the first years on the line is followed by
some serious affection of the liver and consequent stomach derangement will
impair the health and success of the subject; the age of all periods to be read
from the line, reading, of course, always from its source upward.
If with this marking the Life line be defective after the chaining begins, the
case is serious (490).
- If after the chaining of the Mercury line begins, the Head line shows islands
or other defects, the liver trouble will affect the mental strength of the subject.
This will often account for sudden attacks of temporary insanity, especially
if a star be seen in or near the Head line (491).
- If the Mercury line runs to the Head line and absent or defective during the
space between Head and Heart lines, but runs again on the Mount of Mercury (492),
the subject will need to do as much as possible before the age of thirty, for
at that time the powerful allies of the good Mercury line will for a time desert
them, and as the years between Head and Heat lines are among the most important
in their life, they will lose these supports at a critical period. The line
running again on the Mount will show that they may recover themselves
if care be used.
- If bars, crosses, dots, islands, or other defects terminate or are near the
ending of the line, they are not likely to recover. By following the line from
its source, noting its length, any changes in its character, during which parts
it is good or deficient, all the changes in its character, during which parts
it is good or deficient, all the changes in the condition of the subject arising
from a good, bad, or indifferent operation of their liver and digestion can
be read. Knowing the effect of these upon the possibilities of successfully
conducting business operations, you can gauge their material success.
In the absence of a Saturn of Apollo line, the Mercury line will often give indications which could be obtained from those lines if present. Sometimes the Mercury line is very short, hardly more than a chance line, in which case it is entitled to no more consideration than such a line. Often mere chance lines are incorrectly read as Mercury lines, owing to the large number of hands in which this line is either absent or woefully deficient. In this part of the work great caution should be used lest mere chance lines be mistaken for and read as Main lines. A line of Mercury cannot run to the Mount of Apollo, or anywhere but to the Mount of Mercury, and to be diagnosed as this line must at least show that it is heading in that direction, even though it may not be quite long enough to reach the Mount. Before any line is called a Mercury line it must be enough of a line to entitle it to be classed among the Main lines.
Color in the Mercury line should increase or diminish the estimate of the strength
of the qualities it indicates.
- If the line shows biliousness and defective liver conditions, yellow color
will generally be present as a strong confirmationary indication. The type of
the subject will, however, greatly affect color, and you should not fall into
the way of expecting yellow color with all bad Mercury lines. A Jupiterian,
Apollonian, Martian, or Venusian subject, even with pronounced biliousness,
rarely has any color but pink or red, though blue is sometimes seen. These warmer
types have bad Mercury lines occasionally, but they take more exercise, are
more cheerful, and consequently throw off many of the ill effects arising from
improper action of bile. The Saturnian first, Mercurian second, and Lunarian
third, will show yellow color easily. On a Saturnian subject we expect yellow,
for they are always more or less impregnated with bile, while the Mercurian
has bile enough to give them an olive complexion. The Lunarian may be yellow,
but white more often. A Saturnian who has a bad Mercury line will be double
sure to be gloomy, pessimistic, and disagreeable, and with such a subject all
defects in a Mercury line must be given their full interpretation, for a bad
Mercury line on a Saturnian is an exceedingly unfortunate combination.
- If yellow color be seen with the warmer types, it shows that the defects in
the Mercury line are most pronounced, for when the natural red or pink of these
types has been overcome by yellow, the poison has taken serious hold. In all
estimates of color with the Mercury line, take full account of the type of the
subject, and the natural color they should show, from which it can be judged
how seriously they are affected.
- If the Mercury line shows indigestion, and yellow color be likewise present,
the latter indicates that the subject has also liver disorder, even
though it is not marked in the Mercury line.
If perfect health were always possible, we should find perfect
Mercury lines, but as a large part of the human family have bodily ills more
or less in evidence, we find a very large proportion of these lines defective.
A wavy line
(493) indicates chronic biliousness. This subject will have attacks of bilious
fever, malaria, and various liver complications, often ending in enlargement
of the liver and jaundice. There is a very frequent complication of rheumatism
with biliousness, and with wavy Mercury lines the indications of rheumatic difficulty
should be looked for.
- If the subject be a Saturnian with a wavy Mercury line they will have serious
bilious attacks. When this is seen on other types, the liver trouble often brings
out those health defects of the type that are influenced by an excess of bile.
The Jupiterian will have gout; the Saturnian bilious fevers, gout, rheumatism,
and nerve disorders; the Apollonian functional heart derangement; the Mercurian
indigestion, nerve difficulty, and grave liver disorders; the martian intestinal
inflammations; the lunarian gout or rheumatism; and the Venusian acute attacks
of bilious fever.
With a wavy Mercury line the business career of the subject
will be unsteady and subject to many vicissitudes. An uneven line of Mercury
(494) indicates a fitful condition of the stomach and liver. There will be periods
when the subject has excellent health, and at such times will do well. These
will be followed by periods when the liver does not properly perform its functions,
the digestion will be poor, and life becomes a drag. These alternating intervals
of good health and weakness mar life's steadiness and prevent the accomplishing
of much result.
When the line of Mercury rises in the form of a ladder composed of broken fragments
(495) it indicates the worst form of stomach trouble. Dyspepsia, with its train
of ills, gastric fever, catarrh of the stomach or intestines, or inflammation
of the bowels are among the acute disorders which are likely to attack the subject.
- If in the
course of such a line there be a highly colored dot (496) an attack of severe
stomach disorder has occurred at the age indicated by its position.
- If this dot be highly colored, red or purple, it has been very severe. Dots
on the Mercury line (497), wherever seen or on whatever kind of a line, indicates
acute attacks of bilious or stomach trouble at the age at which they occur on
the line.
- If red they indicate fevers, if white some disorder arising from a chronic
disease. When a dot is seen on the Mercury line note whether a chance line from
it points to a health defect on some line or Mount. If none be seen, the lines
and Mounts should be scanned for markings indicating chronic or acute attacks
that may be referred to the dot on the Mercury line for an explanation. Health
defects on the Mount of Jupiter (498) will mean the natural stomach delicacy
of the Jupiterian which has caused this trouble. If the third phalanx of the
Jupiter finger be large and full, this is certain, for this subject will abuse
their stomach. If the third phalanx of the Jupiter finger shows that it has
been full, but has become flabby, the subject's stomach has becomes so delicate
that they have had to limit their diet to the simplest kind of food, and a chronic
state of dyspepsia is probably present.
A health defect
on Saturn with a dot in the Mercury line will indicate an acute attack of bilious
fever if the dot be red; if it be pale or yellow an attack of gout or rheumatism.
This will be more certain if a chance line runs from Saturn toward the Life
line, and one from the middle of the Mount of Moon to the Life line (499).
- If the heart line under Apollo shows an island, break, or dot, and a dot appears
on the Mercury line, a severe attack of hearth trouble, brought on by derangement
of the digestive organs, will occur at the age indicated by the dot on the Mercury
line. A grille on Apollo with blue color and heart disease nails will intensify
this reading and indicate that the trouble is chronic (500).
- If, with a dot on the Mercury line, the line be broken or otherwise defective
on the Mount of Mercury, a severe attack of bilious or gastric fever has occurred
at the age indicated by the dot in the Mercury line (501).
- If, with a dot in the Mercury line, the upper Mount of Mars shows a grille
or bars, especially if on its lower third, a severe attack of inflammation of
the intestines, appendicitis, peritonitis, or some other acute intestinal disorder
has occurred at the age denoted by the position of the dot on the Mercury line
- If with a dot in the Mercury line the middle third of the Mount of Moon be
grilled, gout or, more likely, rheumatic fever has occurred at the age shown
by the dot in the Mercury line.
- If the upper third of the Mount of Moon be grilled the same character of intestinal
disorders which are peculiar to the lower part of Upper Mars are indicated (503).
Cross-bars cutting the Mercury line (504) indicate illnesses at the age at which
they are seen. These bars will vary from the finest little lines which seem
to run over the top of the Mercury line and only fret it, to deep bars which
cut the line in two. The extend to which they cut the line must indicate the
severity of the attacks. If they be only fine fretting line, they indicate bilious
or sick headaches.
- If they are deep-cutting bars they are severe illnesses, and you should look
to the lines and Mounts in the usual manner for an explanation of them.
- If there be
only one or two bars crossing the line there will only be that many serious
illnesses caused by the peculiarities indicated by the line, but if they continually
cut the line during its entire length, they will indicate continuous sickness
if deep, or headaches if fine. There are often seen a series of fine bars crossing
the Mercury line, and also fine bars crossing the Head line (505). This indicates
great suffering from nervous, bilious, or sick headaches, but they all arise
from imperfect action of the stomach and liver. Such a marking often results
in an impairment of the Head line after the bars are seen, showing that the
headaches have weakened it. With every form and variation, and every defect
in the Mercury line, the Head line should be at once consulted.
An island in the Mercury line (506) indicates a delicacy of
health during its presence. This may arise from the liver and stomach, or from
appendicitis inflammation of the intestines, or it may be a difficulty of head,
heart, or any other organ, which one, can be located by the examination of Mounts
and lines. The peculiarity of the island in the Mercury line is that its detrimental
effect upon the health is not always confined to stomach and liver disorders,
but relates equally to other kinds of illnesses or delicacy.
A single island must be read as a delicacy to health just as is done in the
Life line, and its cause located in the usual manner.
- If the Mercury line be islanded during its entire course, showing two, three,
or more islands of good size, it is an indication of great delicacy of the throat
and lungs (507). These islands are not always perfectly formed, but whether
so or not, they will be most accurate indications. When this marking is seen
at once examine the nails for any approach to a bulbous condition, and also
see if the upper Mount of Mars be grilled or cross-barred. if these confirmatory
markings be present, the case is a strong one, and will be easily verified.
- If, in addition, an island be seen on the Mount of Jupiter (508), the subject
will need to use the greatest care to avoid any exposure which might induce
the development of consumption, bronchitis, pneumonia, or any disease of throat,
bronchia, or lungs. I have recently seen this marking on a patient suffering
from cancer of the throat. An old reading of the Mercury line when islanded
was a an indication of "Bankruptcy." This came from the fact that
the health of those with such a marking was precarious and precluded the likelihood
of enough effort to produce success in business. This old reading, while it
has a strong foundation, will not be accurate if applied to your clients. You
will find many islanded lines of Mercury in the hands of those who are by no
means financially Bankrupt, but who are Bankrupt in health. Such subjects,
if in business, must spend so much time in the care of their health that business
will probably be neglected. Certain it is a delicate subject cannot push business
with the vigor of one who is well, and these reasons lead to the interpretation
of "Bankruptcy" by older palmists.
When the Mercury
line is broken (509) it indicates that the subject's health will be impaired,
at the time of the break, and, consequent upon this, their business career will
- If the line have only one or two breaks and is good the rest of the way, find
the cause of the breaks in the usual manner.
- If the line be continuously broken, it shows extreme delicacy of the stomach,
and has the same effect as a laddered line. The more the line be broken, the
more continuous will be the succession of illness, and such a line will show
a subject to be in a continual state of dyspepsia. Such a subject will have
many headaches, and will have to use constant care not to disturb their digestion.
With broken lines repair signs may be seen and squares will be most beneficial.
- If a serious break be seen in the Mercury line surrounded by a square (510),
a danger to the life of the subject has been averted. The cause of the trouble
may come from several directions. You may be able to locate it by a defect in
the Head line, or find health defects on the mounts, or serious delicacy or
danger to life in the Life line, all of which should be brought to bear upon
the repaired break as a location of the cause for it. Sister lines are useful
in repairing breaks, and all markings which help to continue the Current in
the line must be considered as benefiting the broken condition just that much.
If the Mercury line runs deep onto the Mount of Mercury and branches rise from
it (511), the subject will have excellent health and great success in business.
- If from a deep line branches droop downward, the subject will succeed, but
will have to work harder to accomplish these results (512).
- If a branch leave a strong mercury line and run to the Mount of Jupiter, the
subject will be successful in business, aided by their ambition and their ability
to lead and control mean.
- If a star be seen on the Mount of Jupiter influential acquaintances and friends
will greatly assist them (513).
- If a branch
rise to the mount of Saturn (514) the subject, aided by soberness, wisdom, frugality,
carefulness, and because they look on the dark as well as the bright side in
undertakings, will be successful in business. This is a good marking for a banker.
- If a branch from a strong Mercury line rise to the Mount of Apollo (515) the
subject, owing to great shrewdness and business ability, aided by brilliant
mind and agreeable manners, will be most successful. This is an ideal marking
for a merchant. The long Mercury line in these cases will show that this type
will lead and the branch lines show which type will aid him.
In all these instances place the subject in their proper world
by the phalanges of their Mercury finger.
- If they have the third world strongest they will have success in the scientific
or professional world.
- If the second be strongest they will have success in the scientific or professional
- If the first phalanx be strongest they will succeed as an orator or writer,
and this latter indication will be increased if a branch from the upper third
of the Mount of Moon merges into the Mercury line (516).
A branch from
the Mercury line rising and merging into the Head line (517) will indicate success
due to the subject's mental powers. Such persons will will be best adapted to
literary or scientific careers, especially if the Head line be deep and strong.
Note here the formation of a triangle, which, in this position, always indicates
mental brilliancy and power.
The termination of the Mercury line will indicate the general outcome of the
career of the subject, as regards the health qualities of the line and the success
of the subject in the directions peculiar to the Mercurian type. The Mount of
Mercury has so many markings that some of them may be confused with the termination
of the Mercury line if care be not observed.
- If the line ends on the Mount, the lines of Affection may cross it (518).
If there is a number of these lines, one of which is deep and cuts the Mercury
line sharply, there will be one affection which will be a bar to the best interests
of the subject.
- If the Mercury line ends in a bar or a cross (519) the career of the subject
will be hampered, and if the the type of hand be bad, with crooked fingers,
and the heat line thin or absent, the deceitful or tricky qualities of a bad
Mercurian will cause the lack of success.
- If a grille terminates the line, even worse ill-success is indicated, resulting
from wither poor health or dishonesty. If with this marking a dot be seen on
the Mount of Apollo, the subject will lose their reputation.
- If the line
terminates in a star (520) the career will be successful in the world indicated
by the phalanges of the fingers, and if the lines of Apollo and Saturn be present
and good, this indication will be strengthened.
- If the Mercury line terminates in a fork (521) the subject will divide their
energy among several talents, and will not achieve as great success as would
be possible by concentration.
- If the line terminates in a tassel the efforts will be so scattered that no
great success can be achieved.
- If the Mercury line has a star at the point where it crosses the Head line
it is, in a woman's hand an indication of serious female trouble. In the hand
of a man it indicates, if on a good line, an added brilliancy, and if on a defective
line, danger of serious brain trouble, even insanity. if in the woman's hand
the lower third of the Mount of Moon be grilled or cross-barred (522), the female
weakness will be very serious. Such subject will have great difficulty in child-bearing,
and with a Life line which runs close to the thumb and restricts the Mount of
Venus, they will probably be childless. This is valuable a a pre-marriage indication.
Whenever this marking is found the woman is nervous and highly strung. She will
at times become depressed, and then recover her cheerfulness, alternating between
exaltation and despair. There subjects should receive the greatest care, and
ought always to be the recipients of very tender treatment. They often magnify
or even imagine ills, but they suffer just as much as if these were real. Hysteria
and hypochondria are often thus indicated, and pronounced mental unbalancing
frequently occurs. If the star should not be exactly on the line it
still gives the same indication.
The combinations of the indications contained in this chapter are innumerable,
but the generally principles governing them are always the same.
-If a good Mercury line shows defects it is not so bad an indication as when
a defective line has these same flaws.
- If a wavy line be also full of islands it is a worse condition than
when a straight deep line has them. Often there are two different defects seen
in a line, and each will refer to a different cause. these can both be found
in the usual manner. The Mercury line should be used continually in connection
with the Life, Head, Heat, and Apollo lines, and the type of each subject should
never be overlooked.
The value of the line is largely its use in combination, and especially
is this true with the Life and Head lines. Health and brains are essential to
successful lives, and the Mercury line, in connection with the Life and Head
lines, will always enable one absolutely to estimate these elements. By keeping
in mind for what the line stands, what each change in its character and each
defect means, and by following the line from sou4rce to termination, noting
every change and working out its meaning, the A Mercury line will yield a fund
of confirmatory evidence and will sustain the testimony given by other lines
and signs, and enable you more completely to understand your client.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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