of Intuition
line of intuition lies at the side of the hand near the percussion. It rises
on the Mount of Moon, and after describing a curve toward the Plain of Mars,
ends on or near the Mount of Mercury (551). It occupies the same position as
the line of Mercury, but is distinguished from it by its curved formation, though
I consider it practically a Mercury line. The presence of this line, if well
marked, adds greatly to the intuitive faculty of a subject, though this may
be only another name for Mercurian shrewdness. These subjects seem to receive
impressions for which they can not account, and to form opinions which are accurate,
and yet if asked the reason for these opinions they a unable to give any. There
seems to be an added faculty of sensitiveness, of keenness in estimating people,
and of adroit shrewdness in arriving at correct opinions concerning many of
their fellow. Some subject having this marking are not conscious of these faculties,
and on being asked to give a reason for some statement will tell you that they
"feel it in their bones." This faculty of receiving correct impressions
from those you meet can be cultivated. If a subject be unconscious of such powers
and does not use them, they go along feeling many thing concerning
other people, but dismisses the impressions from their mind as vain fancies.
By allowing the impressions to take some definite form, for instance, by thinking
of each person, "they impress me favorably, or unfavorably," as the
case may be, gradually the impressions will increase.
first a subject may impress the subject unfavorably; the next impression may
be that the subject is not honest or truthful, or that they
are playing some part and not showing their real character. As the subject begins
to put the impressions into words and give them form, they increase, and the
ability to receive and classify them increases. I have noted this mark in the
hands of celebrated spirit mediums (552), who tell me that their inspirations
seem to "come to them "; that impressions about their visitors form
in their minds, they often have mental pictures, and, as they come to rely upon
these intuitions, they find them increasing in number and accuracy. Whatever
intuitions is, it operates to give a mental impression from one person to another,
and those who have the line of Intuition in their hands seem to be endowed in
the highest degree with the faculty of receiving these impressions.
- If with a line
of Intuition the hand be square, and, and few lines be seen the subject will
dismiss their intuitions as foolishness.
- If the fingers be long, tips pointed, Mount of Moon full, Head line sloping,
tip of thumb pointed, and a line of Intuition be seen, the subject will be a
"Psychic". They will have visions, dreams, strong impressions of impending
danger, and will see signs and believe in omens. They are dreamy, nervous, highly
strung, and wear out easily. From this class genuine "Psychics" are
recruited. They have been suppose to be those who can obtain the greatest proficiency
in occult studies. They do not, however, for they do not want to study or work,
but wish to rely entirely upon their impressions and visions and except in rare
cases, never accomplish a much in any line as do those who use industrious effort
thoughtfully expended.
of line
A deep line of Intuition will indicate the greatest
amount of intuition, and broken or defective line will show only a limited amount.
Islands in the line will show that the faculty will bring poor success, and
islands in the beginning of a line of Intuition indicate a tendency toward somnambulism
- If the line of Head sinks low on the Mount of Moon and the line of Intuition
cuts it, the mental forces will be injured by allowing too much his imagination
and intuition to have play.
- If a branch rise from a line of Intuition and runs to the Mount of Jupiter,
the subject will be ambitious to accomplish something with his intuitive faculties;
these are successful occultists (554).
- If a line rises form the line of Intuition to the Mount
of Apollo, the subject will achieve renown through the exercise of their intuitive
- If a line from the line of Intuition cuts the Saturn line, the exercise of
the intuitive faculties will impair the career of the subject.
In all of these cases the subject will probably use these faculties as a medium
or clairvoyant.
- If the line of Intuition ends in a star, the subject will have great success
from the exercise of these faculties.
- If the Mercury development be strong, the subject will make money from the
exercise of his intuitive faculties, or can do so if he wishes.
-If the Mercury development be bad the subject will resort to tricks and imposition
to make money form the intuitive faculties.
- If crosses be seen on the line it adds to this indication. These are humbug
clairvoyants, mediums, and fortune tellers.
- If a line from the line of Intuition merges into the Saturn line, the exercise
of the intuitive faculties will assist the career of the subject. With good
common-sense to back it, this line is a help to any hand.
- If the subject be so constituted that they are likely to become unbalanced
from believing they are a medium or clairvoyant, a line of Intuition is a poor
possession. With a careful estimate of the Chirognomic indications you can apply
the line and tell what its effect will be on any subject, and this is the proper
use to make of it.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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