Girdle of Venus
Rises between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn and runs across the Mounts of
Saturn and Apollo, ending between the fingers of Apollo and Mercury (523).
The Girdle of Venus does not always run exactly over this path, but sometimes
rises on the Mount of Jupiter and runs over onto the Mount of Mercury, sometimes
ending on the percussion.
It is, in part, as sister line to the Heart line, and in some hands, when the Heart line is absent, takes the place of that line. Older palmists conceived the idea that when they saw this line in a land which had also a strong Heart line, that being virtually a sister line to the Heart line, it indicated a double supply of heart qualities. This was not meant in a physical sense, but as regard the affections, and for this reason the line was named by them the Girdle of Venus, meaning the Girdle of Love. As this reading of the line was first made in thee days when love meant license, the interpretation was attached to it that anyone with such a abundant supply of affections would seek occasion to lavish them, and the Girdle of Venus became the synonym of license, profligacy, debauchery, and was considered the mark of unchastity and abandonment. Through all the writings on Palmistry this interpretation has been largely adhered to, often with evident misgivings on the part of some writiers, who have frankly stated that they were at a loss for an explanation of this line. Some few have doubted its accuracy, and many practitioners have abandoned its use entirely, because they could not reconcile its accepted interpretation to the lives of the subjects they encountered, and many embarrassing errors were occasioned by the use of the line. To arrive at a correct solution of this much vexed question, we have only to apply our general hypothesis, and to adapt the line to the subject, not the subject to the line. Also to remember that this is the twentieth century, instead of 400 B.C., when the original reading was given, and that conditions today are different from those prevailing at that time.
From an exhaustive study of the Girdle of Venus, I have found that it does
not as a rule indicate debauchery and license, but that it nearly always does
indicate an intense state of nervousness, and in a large majority of cases great
liability to hysteria. In a large percentage of hands in which this Girdle of
Venus is found, the palm will be crossed by innumerable lines running in every
direction. This by itself is sufficient ground for pronouncing the subject intensely
nervous, but with the addition of a Girdle of Venus there is an increased degree
of nervous excitability.
In seeking the rational of the line remember that the Vital Current enters through
the finger of Jupiter, runs down the Life line, goes to the brain, and, returning,
transfers itself to the lines of Saturn, Apollo, and Mercury, which are its
natural channels of egress from the body. When this course is pursued without
interruption, the action of the fluid is normal. But the Girdle of Venus being
an abnormal line, by virtue of its location, deflects part of the current form
its usual course immediately upon its entrance into us, and the balance of the
Current seeking egress form the body through the lines of Saturn, Apollo, and
Mercury on its return from the brain flows against the barrier formed by
the Girdle of Venus, and cannot easily flow out though the finger ends,
but, being obstructed by the Girdle, overflows into the palm of the
hand. As the entire Current is seeking egress though the fingers of Saturn,
Apollo and Mercury the entire current is thus obstructed or deflected
by the girdle and overflows, cutting new channels for itself, in may directions,
and thus producing the multiplicity of lines that we see. The large amount of
vital Current thus turned loose to zigzag its way out of the hand, as best it
can acts upon every nerve, electrifies it, intensifies its action, and from
this excitation of the nerves we have the production of a highly nervous person.
Thus as a first result of a Girdle of Venus we often have intense nervous activity.
Having this much information to begin with, we have reached the point where
we must apply the line to the subject. In the greater number of instances the
Girdle of Venus is found in the hands of women. If the subject be naturally
a delicate, nervous, finely constituted person, the nervousness produces by
the Firdle will be greater than if they be phlematic and heavy in construction.
In the first case the nervous force will electrify their organization to a great
degree. Such a person will suffer from any slight or inattention, will be easily
depressed, even when people have the best intentions. They will soon come to
think that he has no place in the world, and that no one cares for them. This
brooding once begun, grows instead of decreases, until every act of even his
best friends is distorted, every grief is magnified, pain is imagined where
there is none, and we have a fully developed case of hysteria.
On a hand with few lines and a phlegmatic temperament, the Girdle of Venus is
never of so great importance as an indication of hysteria and great nervousness
as in the highly strung subject, but it may turn to the other horn of the de
lemma, and if the hand be coarse or sensual, have a swollen Mount of Venus,
and be red and animal in its general make-up there will likely be present the
lasciviousness (expressing lust) which has always been the accepted reading
of the line.
It is from the type and Chirognomic make-up of a subject that you must determine
which interpretation should be given. In every case the Girdle will indicate
some degree of nervousness and some degree of ardor(emotional warmth), but to
reach a correct estimate of the extent of either, your subject must first be
correctly estimated, and then the line applied to him.
- If the Mount of Venus be flat and flabby, the Life line running close to the
thumb, the color white, the third phalanges of the fingers waist-like, and the
Heart line thin, a Girdle of Venus will not indicate lasciviousness, for the
physical make-up and conditions of the subject preclude the possibility of such
a thing. This subject will, however, undoubtedly be a prey to intense nervousness
and dejection, and hysteria has a fertile soil in which to develop.
On the other hand, if with a Girdle of Venus the Mount of Venus be large, swollen,
and grilled, the third phalanges of the fingers thick, the first phalanges,
short, the Life line running wide into the palm, Heart line deep and red, the
Mounts of Mars full, and the color of the hand red, with black or any approach
to auburn or red hair on the hands, it should never be read as indicating nervousness
and hysteria, but as the greatest lusciousness possible, added to a taste for
drink and general debauchery. A girdle of Venus on such a hand must be given
the full strength of its old traditional interpretation. All of the nervousness
in such a subject will become nervous energy which will be expended in gratifying
animal appetites.
- If the subject with animal hands this arises from the heat of his passionate
nature, which finds its outlet in this way. They quickly obtain relations with
the opposite sex. In the very nervous hand puberty brings a sense of desire,
but in such weak physical nature this is largely a mental condition. There is
no real heat or warmth of physical passion, but the mind becomes inflamed and
has lascivious dreams. Such subjects are full of imagination but weak in physical
heat. It gives them greater delight to think of intercourse than the actual
experience would bring them.
- If the lower third of the Mount of Moon be largely developed, with a thin,
bony hand, flat Mount of Venus, Girdle of Venus, wasted third phalanges of the
fingers, deficient Mounts of Mars, and thin Heart line, the subject will because
of his imaginings. They are shy, diffident, and retiring by nature, and neither
court nor love the society of people in general, or of the opposite sex in particular.
Many such subjects are found in the Saturnian type.
Number of lines
The Girdle of Venus is usually a single deep line. This is most often seen on
the least nervous hands, and is for this reason not so frequently an indication
of hysteria as of increase of animal appetites. Often the Girdle is composed
of broken fragments (526). This will increase the nervousness, the danger of
hysteria, and also the retiring disposition.
- If the girdle of Venus be composed of double or triple lines, which is often
the case (526), it will make its indication, whether of health or temperament,
doubly strong.
- If the girdle be composed of a number of broken lines (527) and the rest of
the hand be a nervous one, the danger from hysteria is great and all nervous
symptoms will be intensified.
- If with such a marking there are indications of female trouble (528) the subject
will be a geat sufferer, and nervous depression, ill-health, and constant discontent
and unhappiness will surround her. There subjects should be taken to a specialist,
who may relieve them, but often the real trouble is not known. With such a marking
you will frequently find very defective Life and Head lines.
- If the Head line in this case should have islands, dots, crosses, or a star
on it, there will be grave danger of insanity (529). The ultranervous condition
shown by a bad Girdle of Venus will have its effect upon every phase of life.
Defects in the Saturn or Apollo lines may be accounted for by a bad Girdle of
Venus. They may come from either lasciviousness or ill-health; which one may
be indicated by a Chironomic examination and by the Main lines. With the Girdle
of Venus, a factor which may be so potent in its operation, there will be many
combinations in which it will play an important part. It the Head line slopes
low into the Mount of Moon, and on it or near its termination a star, dot, cross,
or island be seen, with a broken Girdle of Venus, and many lines in the hand
(530), the subject is in grave danger of insanity, as a result of intense nervousness
and excessive imagination. This subject will be erratic, cranky and hard to
get along with. It a cross be seen on the Mount of Saturn, a broken Girdle of
Venus, dots or islands in the head line under Saturn, a grille on the Mount
of the Moon, with brittle or fluted nails, the subject will be in grave danger
from paralysis (531). If the hand be thick at the base, fingers thick, color
red, lines deep and red, with a deep Girdle of Venus, and the lines of Life
and Head short and ending in defects, the subject will be likely to die very
suddenly at the age at which the Life line end, as a result of dissipation and
excess (532).
- If their hand be sensual in formation, with a Girdle of Venus which cuts a
troubled Saturn line deeply, and a dot be seen on the Mount of Apollo, or on
the Apollo line near the termination, the excesses of the subject will ruin
his career and end in the entire loss of his reputation (533). It will be noted
in the foregoing illustrations that the Chirognomic type of the hand is taken
into account, and that a broken Girdle of Venus indicates the nervous condition
and a deep Girdle indicates its excessive side. If a deep Girdle of Venus cuts
a line of Affection, the Heart line has drooping lines from it, the head line
becomes defective toward the end and terminates in a star, and the Saturn line
is cut by a bar which stops it, the excesses of the subject will ruin his married
life and cause great sorrow, finally ending in an impairment of the mental faculties.
insanity, and the ruining of his career (534).
You will meet the Girdle of Venus in all kinds of hands. Some of the best men
and women have had it, and their career have never suffered. It has been argued
that the added warmth imparted by the Girdle of Venus gives a greater richness
to the character that can hold it within bounds. From this standpoint it would
be considered as an absolute blessing. But its presence may procure unpleasant
results and in many ways. The difficulty of telling which meaning to give the
Girdle is made easy when you fit the line to the type of hand which has it,
and do not try to fit lasciviousness to every person on whom the Girdle is seen.
A poor, trembling, nervous, cold-handed subject with a Girdle of Venus should
not be told that he indulges in great excesses, for to such a person an extra
cup of coffee or tea would mean great dissipation, and yet it is on such subjects
that you will find a large percentage of Girdles.
Good judgment and a clean way of looking at things must be displayed in handling
the Girdle of Venus, which, used with discrimination, willl produce only good
results for the practitioner. There are those who seek unpleasant sides to every
character, and for such the Girdle has peculiar charms, but in the largest number
of cases, pity and tenderness should be the feeling it inspires.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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