Smooth Fingers
will encounter many hands on which the fingers are distinctly sooth in appearance
(57). This means that the knotty joints, which are the distinctive feature of
knotty fingers, are not seen, and the sides of smooth fingers where the joints
would naturally show a development, are even and without bulges. These smooth
fingers may have any shape of tip; it is only the absence of developed joints
which lead you to recognize them. As analysis and reasoning are the attributes
of knotty fingers, so impulse, inspiration, intuition, and the lack of a disposition
to pick everything to pieces, belong to the smooth fingers. This smoothness,
or lack of prominent joints, has always been considered in Palmistry as constituting
artistic fingers, but in order to have the strongest artistic sense, smooth
fingers must also have conic tips. The conic tip, which we suppose to afford
less resistance to the entrance of the vital spark stands for ideality, and
this in many minds stands for true art.
In the examination of the hands of successful artists, I was surprised and disappointed
to find, instead of smooth, conic fingers, the ideal of an artistic hand, large
knots, square or spatulate tips, or distinctly mixed tips. This at first seemed
an anomaly, for the hand of the artisan had become the hand of the artist. Still
another anomaly lay in the fact that small thumbs have always been considered
the accompanying indication, with conic tips, of an artistic hand, and I found
large square thumbs on the hands of many successful artists. In using the word
successful artist, I mean not merely a dabbler with color, but one who has made
a name. When we analyze the matter, however, this is not at all wonderful. Smooth
fingers are artistic in that their owners act by impulse, inspiration, and intuition,
not by reason, calculation, and premeditation. To be a genius, brilliant, full
of inspiration and talent, means one thin, to put these talents to practical
use is another. The one who can dream best is the one who has the artistic visions
that would be most valued if transferred to canvas. From such visions have come
the inspirational pictures that have lived through centuries of time.
But how all told are there of these masterpieces? Countless numbers of human
beings have live and died, and yet how few have produced anything immortal?
I believe only a few inspired visions out of the countless millions which have
floated though human brains have ever been recorded. This is because
the minds able to dream artistic dreams have had, with their smooth fingers,
soft of flabby hands(laziness), and small thumbs(no determination), consequently
they have only dreamed, always meaning to work "tomorrow."
The large hands, knotty joints, and square tips, while not possessing the genius
or inspiration of smooth fingers, have had common sense (square tips), and determination
(big thumbs), so they have worked to-day; and while not so gifted, they have
copied nature in field and forest, copied humanity by portraying men and women
as they saw then, so that while they have had not dreams to pain, they have
reproduced material surroundings, and that is what comprises much of the art
we see today. It is labor, determination, and common sense that have won the
victory over imagination. This is why successful artists are found without artistic
Smooth fingers always speak of the unimpeded current flowing through
them. These people are artistic in taste, quick to think, and act always by
inspiration, not by reasoning. They do not delve to the bottom of every subject,
but rely on the impressions which come to them without stopping to reason out
all the "whys and wherefores." They are not by nature reasoners, though
they often grow into a habit of analyzing, and as these tendencies increase,
knots appear on their fingers. Smooth-fingered subjects are most safely guided
by their first impressions and seldom are wrong in their intuitive deductions.
Their minds, not being formed in an analytical mould, are not prepared to cope
with knotty fingers in matters requiring deep analysis, consequently smooth-fingered
fold in dealing with knotty-fingered ones are safer if they rely upon their
leading characteristic, inspiration, than if they use analysis, which
is the Gibraltar of the knotty fingers. In reading smooth fingers, do not fall
into a common error in the use of the word artistic. That is, do not
confuse a lover of the beautiful with a producer of it. It
is true that with their impulsive, quick, intuitive qualities, smooth fingers
wee more beauty in life, see more of the artistic side, the grace and attractiveness
of color and form, and in this sense they are artistic. They think quicker,
dispose of any subject with greater rapidity, and consequently cover more ground
in a day than their knotty-fingered brethren, but they are not as a rule so
thorough. In religion, while seldom skeptics, they vary from profound devotees
to those who merely have a respect for religion, but are not often agnostics.
They do no doubt, for they take much for granted. They do not reason out their
religious faith, but take the work of others for much of it. They are not always
trying to find flaws as are the knotty fingers, so smooth fingers are more agreeable
and pleasant companions.
In daily life a love of beauty will be one of their prevailing characteristics.
Being less engrossed in mental deductions than knotty-fingered people, they
consequently think more of dress, of surroundings, of decoration in the home,
of the adornment of their cities, places of business, and of their religion.
The Smooth-fingered Latin nations love ritual and decoration in their churches
rather than simplicity which belongs to the knotty, square-fingered Puritans.
Smooth-fingered persons love those things which please the eye of appeal to
the sense of beauty, are inclined to love tasteful dress, and this may degenerate
into a love of show if the fingers are coarse.
In dealing with smooth fingers always bear in mind the kind of hand on which
they are found. You must not expect that the quick, inspirational, intuitive,
impulsive nature will always belong to a high grade of character. Neither must
the word artistic be associated with high-born dames alone. You will find smooth
fingers on the most unenlightened, and on people far removed from the "four
hundred." But be the nature fine or course, the station in life high or
low, smooth fingers will always tell you of one who does not rely on reason
and analysis, but on inspiration, impulse, and intuition, who loves the beautiful
according to their standard, and who acts generally on the spur of
the moment. Smooth-fingered people are more susceptible to emotionalism than
knotty-fingered ones, they may be "carried away" easier, thus while
they are very successful in business and life, there is always one element of
danger and uncertainty about them: their inspirations may be wrong. These people
need a good Head line to make them safe, as their desire is to go too fast.
To them the plodding and thinking of the knotty-fingered ones is far too laborious.
They are willing to take a great deal for granted in order to get through
with the day's occupations, consequently smooth fingers are quicker in every
way than knotty ones. While in the realm of painting, and some kinds of music,
we find other fingers making their possesors succeed better than smooth ones,
yet in the realm of acting we find the latter winning applause and dollars.
Copying may be done with the brush and pencil, and by pursuing certain rules
and measurements, but to act a part, to be some one else,
requires the inspiration of smooth fingers. If an actor having knotty fingers
has planned just how to impersonate their part in a play, but finds, on their
entrance to the stage, that something unforeseen has changed the surrounds,
they cannot fall back on analysis and reason in this emergency. Inspiration
on the spur of the moment is the only thing that will cary them through such
a crisis. This inspiration is only possible to smooth fingers. In my observation
of hands among members of the dramatic profession, I have found few if any other
kind than smooth fingers. These are the fingers of those who have created parts,
whose acting is full of life, true to nature, and lacking in stiffness and conventionality.
They are the ones who appeal to the heart by grace, taste, and naturalness.
Acting with them is truly art, it is creative power. These smooth fingers make
the most of every opportunity, seize the incidents of the day and hour, and
apply them with great ingenuity to whatever they are doing. If a baby in the
audience cries, instead of being disconcerted, they will turn the incident to
account. They are not easily taken off their guard, their minds are more elastic,
quick, and read, and they are able, in a flash, to see nan opportunity and turn
even a mishap to their advantage.
In music, smooth fingers are a necessity, unless very heavy music
is to be produced. Music which sways the soul, does not do so by its rigid conformity
to rules, but by its freedom from them. Melody cannot flower from the
heart, if nothing but metre is to be considered. So the inspiration
of smooth fingers is a necessity. Stately marches, oratorios, and recitatives
may be produced and sung by less artistic souls, but the music to reach
the heart must come from the heart.
Knotty fingers are rules by analysis (head), smooth fingers by impulse (heart),
so it is to the latter that music must turn for its greatest exponents. Composers
need square palms or square fingers to give them rhythm, they need smooth fingers
for inspiration. With square tips they will produce marches, with spatulate,
band music, with conic, weird or dreamy compositions, but the fingers must in
each case be smooth.
In business, smooth fingers are often successful. The success
of to-day is not won, as in days of yore, by saving alone. Some of the most
brilliant lights in the business world succeed by rapid modes of thought, spend
money recklessly, and rely on the large amount they can make, not the amount
they can save. Rapidity has succeeded slow methods, and a transaction that can
now be concluded in five minutes, would have taken our forefathers a week, maybe
a month.
There is this to be said about the operation of smooth-fingered impulse to-day:
People have learned more about life and natural laws, they have found that certain
acts produce certain results, and with this knowledge can hear a proposition
and tell the probable outcome without long thought. Knotty-fingered people have
had to reason out these laws, the smooth-fingered one use them, which is a great
saving of time to the latter. Smooth-fingered people are much fonder of society
than knotty-fingered ones. They are not engaged in making deductions and calculations
nor in reasoning out intricate problems, but ideas come quickly, and they rely
on these. For this reason people with smooth fingers find time to mingle with
their fellow men. They have more leisure hours than knotty-fingered ones. To
this add that smooth fingers indicate greater readiness of expression, more
fluency in though an speech, so their possessors are better adapted to shine
in brilliant social surroundings than the slower, knotty-fingered folk. Altogether
we seen that quickness of thought, inspiration, impulse, and spontaneity are
the guiding forces indicated by smooth fingers, and when seen, always think
how these factors swiftly impel such people forward in every sphere. Always
examine most carefully the consistency and color of hands with smooth fingers,
too much energy (hard), and ardor (red), will cause failure from over impetuosity.
It would require a phenomenally straight and strong Head line to keep these
people from continual blunders. Examine the tips always.
- If pointed, you have the most artistic side of smooth fingers.
- If square, their quickness and inspiration will operate in practical ways,
they will be less idealistic.
- If spatulate, their force will be strongly augmented by the originality, activity,
and independence of the spatulate tips. Such a combination will need most careful
handling to prevent the subject from becoming a crank,a nd by excess of good
qualities from having ill success.
With whatever combination found, always remember that smooth fingers indicate
a less critical, careful, analytical way of thinking, that impulse and inspiration
are the guides in every way, and by applying these qualities you can always
properly estimate their force in the life of your subject.
The Laws of Scientific Hand Reading- A practical Treatise on the Art Commonly
called Palmistry 1946 Benham, William. Printed and published by R. J. Taraporevala
for D. B. Tarporevala Sons & Co. Bombay
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